#megathrust earthquake

Collection of megathrust earthquake news, found 20 news.

Magnitude 5.7 quake strikes North Sulawesi's Bolaang Uki

A 5.7-magnitude earthquake rattled southeast of Bolaang Uki Sub-district in Bolaang Mongondow Selatan District, North ...

Blitar earthquake has damaged 287 houses in Malang: govt

The Malang Disaster Mitigation Agency reported that the 5.9-magnitude earthquake that jolted southeast of Blitar ...

A 5.7-earthquake rattles North Maluku's West Halmahera

A 5.7-magnitude earthquake rattled West Halmahera District, North Maluku Province, on Wednesday morning but it did not ...

5.3-magnitude earthquake rocks Banda Aceh on Friday night

A 5.3-magnitude earthquake on Friday night jolted Banda Aceh, a city in the northernmost tip of Sumatra Island which ...

Agency urges people to not panic over massive earthquake issue

Geophysics Deputy of Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Muhammad Sadly pointed to Java's ...