
Collection of memorial news, found 157 news.

Foundation opening shariah cemetery for Muslims

The Al-Azhar Islamic Education Foundation (YPI) is opening a shariah-based cemetery for Muslims in Karawang, West ...

Anzac day commemoration in Ambon yet to be reinstated

The commemoration to mark the anniversary of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) military action in the ...

Cytotech Labs Unravels Hallmark Insight Into Metabolic Control of Cancer, Presents Work at Major AAC

-        Cytotech Labs, a Boston based pharmaceutical company and member of the Berg ...

Japanese tourists visit WW II sites in Biak

A group of 11 Japanese tourists, accompanied by several Indonesian officials, visited various World War II sites in ...

Bahrain King offers dialogue to resolve crisis

Bahrain`s king has offered a national dialogue "with all parties" in an effort to resolve a crisis that has killed ...

Australia provides additional funding to Bali Eye Center

Australian Ambassador to Indonesia Greg Moriarty announced on Friday an additional AUD3 million for the Australia Bali ...

Obama stresses U.S. support for Pakistan in meeting

President Barack Obama stressed U.S. support for Pakistan during a meeting with President Asif Ali Zardari on ...