#merak port

Collection of merak port news, found 188 news.

Transportation firm operates 26 ships to serve Merak-Bakauheni ports

Inland Waterway Transportation Service PT ASDP said it was operating 26 ferry ships to overcome traffic jams at the ...

Hatta hopes Merak traffic jams not disturbing goods distribution

Chief Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa hoped that the vehicular queues at Merak Port and floods that had cut traffic on ...

ASDP operates 29 ships for new year

The river, lake, and crossing transportation company (PT Angkutan Sungai Danau dan Penyeberangan (ASDP) Indonesia ...

RI minister asked to improve sea transportation

Improvement of sea transportation system is an important factor for supporting the connectivity of six economic ...

Around 93,000 travelers cross to Bakauheni from Merak

A total of 93,832 holiday travelers crossed from Merak ferry port in Banten to Bakauheny port in Lampung on Sunday, ...

Holiday travelers still packing ferry ports

It is only one day again for Muslims to observe Idul Fitri or Lebaran holiday festivity but thousands of home-bound ...

Bakauheni still packed with holiday travelers

Bakauheni ferry port in Lampung on Monday was still packed with incoming home-bound Lebaran holiday travelers from ...

Tens faint while lining up for Merak ferry tickets

Tens of travelers fainted after they had been in their cars for hours in a queue to buy ferry tickets at Merak port in ...

CCTV cameras used to monitor Lebaran exoduses

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras have been placed at a great number of strategic locations for the security ...

Thousands of motorbikers pack Merak port to cross to Sumatra

Thousands of motorbike travelers packed Merak port in West Java on Friday waiting to be ferried over to Bakauheni in ...

VP Boediono inspects services for homebound travelers at Merak port

Vice President Boediono here on Wednesday inspected services and facilities given to home-bound travelers at Merak ...

Idul Fitri exodus has begun

This year`s exodus of about 15.5 million post-fasting Idul Fitri or Lebaran travelers bagan this week with its peak ...

Govt ready to face Idul Fitri exodus

The government has prepared different transportation means, services and security measures to facilitate the flow of ...

Idul Fitri travelers to peak four days before D-Day

The flows of Idul Fitri travelers at Merak port of Banten are expected to peak four days before the D-Day on August ...

Thousands of truck still stuck in Merak port

Thousands of truck are still stuck in the toll road heading to Merak port waiting to get across to Sumatra island, a ...