#military and police officers

Collection of military and police officers news, found 155 news.

Military, police officers must not meddle in democracy: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Tuesday asked Indonesian military and police officers to refrain from meddling in ...

Military, police officers should have digital capabilities: President

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded Indonesian military and police officers to develop digital capabilities by ...

Officers must not hesitate to enforce quarantine: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) has urged officers to not hesitate in enforcing quarantine regulations and ...

Gov't employees to receive ministry-constructed houses in new capital

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) expressed its readiness to construct some 2,500 housing units ...

MadagoRaya Task Force hunts for remaining MIT Poso fugitives

A joint team of military and police officers from the Madago Raya Task Force has conducted aerial and checkpoint ...

DPR deputy speaker highlights 3 plans for Indonesia's advancement

House of Representatives' (DPR's) deputy speaker Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar, in a written statement here, Tuesday, ...

PT PP disburses social aid in education sector

State-run construction and investment company PT PP (Persero) Tbk, along with several State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), ...

Acting regional heads should not weaken local governance: Academic

Researcher of the National Research and Innovation Agency's (BRIN's) Political Research Centre Mardyanto ...

BPBD evacuates flood victims in West Lombok district

The evacuation of flood victims in West Lombok district is still on, head of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Provincial ...

VP expects resilient healthcare system in post-pandemic era

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin expects Indonesia's healthcare system to become more resilient after the COVID-19 ...

Health Protocols Task Force formed amid reopening of public facilities

The National COVID-19 Handling Task Force has formed the Public Facilities 3M (Wearing Masks, Maintaining Distance, and ...

Ministry to construct six new flat blocks in South Sumatra

The Ministry of Public Works and People's Housing plans to construct six new flat blocks in South Sumatra to ...

Police chief asks ranks to step up social aid distribution

Chief of National Police, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has asked all ranks to accelerate the distribution of social ...

Papuan rebels disrupt Ilaga stone-burning ceremony: military

Several armed Papuan separatists disrupted a stone-burning ceremony held by locals in Ilaga, Papua province on Thursday ...

Semarang's STIE Bank Jateng building used as COVID-19 quarantine site

The Central Java provincial government has prepared the college of economics (STIE) at Bank Jateng in Semarang city to ...