#mining activities

Collection of mining activities news, found 170 news.

State loses Rp311 tln to Kalimantan resource exploitation

Long ago, the four Indonesian provinces in Kalimantan island whose total land was about 550,000 sq km, were covered ...

Many reasons for local govt to close Newmont

Head of Sumbawa Barat district, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Zulkifli Mahadli said the regional government had many ...

Bangka Belitung to plant 100 thousand mangrove trees

The Bangka Belitung people through a Bangka Goes Green (BGG) movement will plant 100 thousand mangrove seedlings in ...

Six rivers in Gorontalo polluted

Six big rivers in Gorontalo province had been polluted and dangerous for water consumption due to contamination of ...

VP Boediono to form team to supervise tin mining in Babel

Vice President Boediono has decided to form a team of a number of ministers and governor to supervise tin mining ...