#ministry of law

Collection of ministry of law news, found 402 news.

Indonesia needs alternative sentencing beyond imprisonment: Ministry

Indonesia requires alternative sentencing beyond imprisonment, official from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights ...

Some 1,155 Law and Human Rights Ministry's employees contract COVID-19

As many as 1,155 civil servants of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in various regions were exposed to the Omicron ...

Information for public must be actual, factual, and credible: Ministry

Spokesman for the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Dedy Permadi affirmed that journalists and media must ...

Foreign tourists allowed to enter Indonesia via Bali, Riau Islands

The Indonesian government allows foreign tourists to come to Indonesia through two entrances, namely Bali and Riau ...

B211A tourist visa holders can visit places beyond Bali

International tourists traveling to Bali and Riau Islands on B211A tourist visas will be allowed to visit other ...

Geographical indication can help salt farmers to market products

Geographical indication (GI) certification for traditional salt products will support salt farmers' marketing ...

Minister Laoly reiterates importance of border security

Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna H. Laoly drew attention of the ministry's officials to the importance of ...

G20 Indonesia

Intellectual property advancements align with G20 theme: Minister

Law and Human Rights Minister Yasonna H. Laoly affirmed that advancements in the country's intellectual property ...

Indonesia suspends umrah pilgrims' departures for evaluation

The Religious Affairs Ministry has suspended the departures of umrah pilgrims starting from January 15, to give ...

Official lauds death penalty sentence for rapist of 13 students

A House of Representatives' official lauded the prosecutor's decision to sentence to death Herry Wirawan for ...

Minister Thohir files report on Garuda Indonesia case to AGO

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Erick Thohir has filed a report on alleged graft case in the financially ...

148 attempts to smuggle drugs into prisons foiled in 2021

The Ministry of Law and Human Rights, along with the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police, thwarted ...

Religious Affairs Ministry embarks 419 people to perform Umrah

The Religious Affairs Ministry embarked as many as 419 people to perform Umrah on Saturday, thereby marking ...

Papua immigration office deports 61 foreign nationals

At least 61 foreign nationals were deported from several cities in Papua for having violated the immigration ...

President's directives on sexual violence bill show gov't's commitment

President Joko Widodo's directives to expedite ratification of the sexual violence prevention bill (RUU TPKS) ...