
Collection of misleading news, found 197 news.

Indonesia still on lookout for 33 graft fugitives

The Indonesian government is still on the lookout for 33 fugitives involved in corruption cases, after successfully ...

MFA Singapore response of extradition agreement with Indonesia

In response to an ANTARA News report published on Friday, 22 April 2016, titled “Extradition Agreement with ...

RI must protect its citizens overeseas from ISIS` influence

Indonesia, which has millions of migrant workers overseas, particularly in the Middle East, should protect them from ...

Syrian ulema condemns bomb attacks in Jakarta

Syrian thariqah spiritual adviser Sheikh Adnan has strongly condemned the bomb attacks and shootout near the Sarinah ...

Muslims urged to be wary of "Gafatar" teachings

Muslims in Indonesia have been urged to be wary of the Nusantara Daybreak Movement (Gafatar) as the teachings of the ...

Terrorism continues to be prevented in Indonesia

All public elements and relevant institutions have been called on to continue to prevent radicalism and terrorism from ...

Preaching permit issuance tightened for Indonesians visiting Hong Kong: Authority

The Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong has tightened the issuance process for preaching permits for Muslim ...

No compromise over radicalism, president said

- As Indonesia is a country where a majority of the population is moderate Muslims, it will never compromise over any ...

NU against allowing ID`s religion column left empty

Nahdlatul Ulama, one of Indonesias largest Islamic organizations, has expressed protest to home affairs ministers ...

Netanyahu UN speech `blatant manipulation of facts`: PLO

The Palestine Liberation Organisation said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blatantly manipulated the facts ...

Police praises public order during elections

Officials of the National Police (Polri) praised the publics participation in maintaining order during the 2014 ...

Yudhoyono calls for rebuilding brotherhood

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called on the people to restore their brotherhood following the presidential ...

Presidential candidate`s economic team denies purchasing MNC Group shares

The economic team of Indonesian presidential candidate pair Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa has denied the rumors that they have ...

Consumer Advocate Group Finds Colored and Limbal Ring Contact Lenses Differ on Quality

- The quality and safety of many of the most popular brands of colored and limbal ring contact lenses sold in Japan and ...

Presidential candidate Jokowi not dictated to: PDIP

Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Chairman Effendi Simbolon confirmed that the party does not dictate to ...