#more accessible

Collection of more accessible news, found 976 news.

Landslide blocks Central Java`s Magelang-Purworejo road section

A landslide buried a road section in Gesing Hamlet, Krasak Village, Salaman Sub-district, Magelang District, Central ...

Year ender - Protecting Indonesian elections from cyberattacks

Cyberattacks have threatened elections in several countries, and one of the major hacking cases was alleged foreign ...

“Jadeite Cabbage,” Southeast Asian garden art on display in Taichung World Flora Expo

- Two pieces of jade art, including “Jadeite Cabbage” from the National Palace Museum’s (NPM) collection, will be ...

Finance ministry to launch portal for auction

The Ministry of Finance will launch a website named lelang.go.id to facilitate people to participate in the auction ...

Jokowi asks regional heads to facilitate the entry of investment

President Joko Widodo has called on district heads to facilitate the entry of investments in the regions, so as to ...

Cellular network accessible in 90 percent of border areas in NTT

Corporate Communications of PT Telekomunikasi Selular Nusa Landmark, Teny Ginaya, said that cellular network coverage ...

WCEC participants invited to collaborate in developing creative economy

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi has invited creative economic actors from 45 countries that attended the World Creative ...

First world conference on creative economy held in Bali

The first World Conference on Creative Economy (WCCE) was officially opened by Triawan Munaf, head of the Indonesian ...

Indonesia reiterates commitment to eradicate corruption

Indonesia`s Minister of National Development Planning Bambang Brodjonegoro reaffirmed the country`s commitment to ...

news focus - efforts to strengthen defense in eastern indonesia by otniel tamindael

Formerly known as Pitu airport, Leo Wattimena is a private airport located on the southern coast of Morotai Island ...

Air Force aircraft evacuate quake, tsunami victims

A number of aircraft of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) that had been deployed to transport logistical aid supplies ...

News focus - Campaigning for disability-friendly strategies during APG By Otniel Tamindael

Each year, the number of people with disabilities in Indonesia continues to increase, and currently, it is estimated ...

Asian para games - Indonesia can be remembered as a disabled-friendly state

Through the organization of the Asian Para Games in October, Indonesia is expected to be remembered as a country that ...

Correct voter list crucial for fair democratic elections

The campaign period kicked off in Indonesia, with the General Election Commission (KPU) organizing an event for the ...

BSSN hints many potential cyber threats ahead of presidential elections

The National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) has hinted that there are many potential cyber threats ahead of the ...