
Collection of mother news, found 1.078 news.

French journalist killed in Central Africa: Hollande

A French photojournalist has been killed while on a reporting assignment in conflict-torn Central African Republic, ...

Another suspected patient of MERS admitted in West Sumatra hospital

Another patient suspected of suffering from the MERS disease was admitted in the M Djamil general hospital in Padang, ...

Jakarta police interrogates jis principal over sodomy case

The Jakarta Police here on Tuesday summoned Timothy Carr, the principal of the Jakarta International School (JIS), for ...

Vote buying still mars legislative elections

Vote buying still mars the countrys legislative elections on Wednesday despite threat of criminalization of such ...

Pakistan rejects Musharraf`s request for getting treatment abroad

Pakistan on Wednesday rejected a request by former military President Pervez Musharraf to allow him to go abroad for ...

Pandas and yak soup on Michelle Obama`s China menu

US First Lady Michelle Obama on Wednesday wrapped up a week-long trip to China by feeding a panda before having a ...

Singapore Brings over 190 Hours of Film and TV Content to Hong Kong FILMART

The Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) will be leading 30 Singapore media companies to the 18th edition of ...

Austrian foreign ministry confirms man on Malaysian plane passenger list had passport stolen

The Austrian Foreign Ministry confirmed that the 61-year-old Austrian man who was listed on the missing Malaysian ...

Thai army rangers admit killing three boys in deep south: police

Two Thai army rangers have confessed to shooting dead three young brothers in the country's violence-torn deep south ...

Indonesia`s local languages need preservation

Indonesia joined with the world to observe International Mother Language Day on February 21, 2014 to promote the ...

India minister orders release of Rajiv Gandhi`s killers

The chief minister of an Indian state Wednesday ordered the release of all seven people jailed for plotting the ...

Brazil journalist hurt in Rio protest dies

A Brazilian journalist has died of a head injury sustained in a Rio street protest as the city prepares to host the ...

Semarang inundated again

Parts of Semarang, Central Java Province, is again flooded, with waters at a depth of 30 cm to 80 cm, following ...

New big-headed fish species discovered in Idaho and Montana rivers

A tiny fish characterized by a disproportionately large head and previously unknown to scientists has been found in ...

(RED), U2 and Bank of America Partner to Fight AIDS

- (RED), rock group U2 and Bank of America today announced a partnership that will generate more than $10 million to ...