
Collection of motorbikes news, found 308 news.

Police turn back 1,181 car drivers following "mudik" ban enactment

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police forced 1,181 car drivers to turn back while passing by the police's checkpoints for ...

Mudik ban to come into effect April 24 midnight

Indonesian Transportation Ministry's spokeswoman Adita Irawati confirmed that the temporary ban on using public ...

Health Ministry regulations will apply for PSSB: task force

During the implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB), the regulations issued by the Ministry of Health, ...

Govt compiles guidebook on passenger restriction during "mudik"

The government is compiling a guidebook that will become a standard operation procedure to implement physical ...

Grab's electric cars to operate in Jakarta in January 2020

Grab Indonesia President Ridzki Kramadibrata confirmed on Friday that the company will operate its electric cars and ...

News Focus

Indonesia set to venture into novel era of electric vehicles

Indonesia is buoyant about emerging as a major producer of electric vehicles (EV) owing to quite abundant raw materials ...

Police confiscate 10 sharp weapons in Papua's Biak Numfor district

The police in Biak Numfor District, Papua Province, detained 60 motorcycles and seized 10 sharp weapons during a ...

DEN urges offices to furnish electric vehicle charging stations

The National Energy Council (DEN) has called on offices to set up charging stations for electric vehicles. Electric ...

BPPT ensures standardization of EV charging stations

Indonesia's Assessment and Application of Technology Agency (BPPT) ensured standardizing electric vehicle (EV) ...

News Feature

Readiness of Indonesia entering electric vehicle era

The enchantment of Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia is an attraction for people from various regions for all ...

Quiet suicide bomber rarely socialized: Police

Head of the National Police Information Bureau Pol Brigadier Dedi Prasetyo said RA, who detonated a bomb in front of ...

Transportation minister urges travelers to make safety a priority

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has put forth an appeal to 2019 Lebaran travelers to always lay emphasis ...

A prison officer, two inmates arrested for drug crime: police

The West Kalimantan Police's Narcotics Unit investigators apprehended a prison officer and two inmates of the ...

1.3 kg crystal meth destroyed by West Kalimantan BNN

To step up its drugs crackdown, the West Kalimantan National Narcotics Agency (BNN) here, Monday, destroyed 1.3 ...

News Focus

Regime change hysteria blows across Soekarno's historic stadium

There may have been over one million people present at the main stadium of the Gelora Bung Karno Sports Complex and its ...