#mount semeru eruption

Collection of mount semeru eruption news, found 113 news.

Mount Semeru in East Java erupts five times

Mount Semeru in East Java erupted five times on Friday, with the volcano spewing ash as high as 900 meters above its ...

Mt Semeru experiences another eruption spewing volcanic ash

Mount Semeru, which reaches 3,676 meters above sea level on the border of Lumajang and Malang districts, East Java, ...

Mount Semeru erupts thrice within three hours: Official

Mount Semeru, located on the border of the districts of Lumajang and Malang in East Java, erupted three times on ...

Mount Semeru alert raised, tourism activities restricted

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno urged communities around Mount Semeru on Sunday ...

Mount Semeru erupts four times a day

Mount Semeru, a volcano standing at 3,676 meters above sea level and located on the borders of Lumajang and Malang, ...

Jakarta ensures follow-up voting at polling station free from flooding

The Jakarta provincial government has ensured that the follow-up voting process to be held at polling stations (TPS) on ...

Locals' voting activity undeterred by Mount Semeru eruption

The eruption of Mount Semeru did not deter locals from exercising their right to vote at several voting places (TPS) at ...

Mount Semeru erupts, spews one km volcanic ash: Official

Mount Semeru, located in the districts of Malang and Lumajang in East Java Province, erupted and spewed volcanic ash ...

Mount Semeru in Lumajang erupted twice: Official

Mount Semeru, with a height of 3,676 meters above sea level in Lumajang District, East Java, erupted two times on ...

Mount Semeru's post-eruption cold lava flow tremor shocks Lumajang

Torrential rains lashing the Mount Semeru peak area in Lumajang, East Java, on Monday (December 25), resulted in a ...

East Java govt to rebuild two bridges damaged by Semeru eruption

The East Java government will complete the renovation of two Lumajang bridges, Kaliregoyo and Kloposawit, which were ...

East Java sends aid to disaster-affected locations in Lumajang

The East Java Provincial Government has distributed logistical and medical assistance to areas affected by the cold ...

Mount Semeru shows activity with 21 eruption earthquakes: Official

Semeru Volcano Observation Post officer, Yadi Yuliandi, reported that based on seismic observation on Saturday at ...

Mount Semeru coughs up 800-meter-high column of ash: Official

Mount Semeru, located on the border of Lumajang and Malang districts, East Java, erupted, Tuesday, at 5:27 local time, ...

Lombok Airport activities unaffected by Mt Semeru's eruption

State-run airport operator PT Angkasa Pura I at Lombok International Airport, West Nusa Tenggara, stated that flight ...