#muliaman d hadad

Collection of muliaman d hadad news, found 68 news.

OJK described as positive the Fed`s decision to trim stimulus

The Financial Service Authority (OJK) described as positive the Feds decision to trim its massive financial stimulus ...

Opportunity after The Fed delays phasing out stimulus

Indonesia should capitalize on the opportunities brought on by decision of US central bank (The Federal Reserve/The ...

OJK and BI to sign MoU on transfer of authority

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia (BI) will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to ...

IFC Supports OJK in Improving Corporate Governance in Indonesia

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and Indonesia's financial services authority Otoritas Jasa Keuangan signed an ...

VP officially opens stock trading in 2013

Vice President Boediono officially opened the first day of stock trading in 2013 at the Indonesia Stock Exchange here ...

OJK to start communication with industrial sector soon

The newly sworn-in chairman of the board of commissioners of the Financial Service Authority (OJK), Muliaman D Hadad, ...

Bank credits grow 28 percent

Bank Indonesia Deputy Governor Muliaman D Hadad said bank credits had continued to grow and the growth reached 28 ...

Bank Indonesia prepares multi-licensing policy

Bank Indonesia is preparing a regulation that will require national banks to apply for an additional permit for ...

Bank Indonesia to summon DBS Singapore for discussions

Bank Indonesia will summon the management of DBS Singapore in connection with plans to purchase 67.37 percent of Bank ...

Credit growth remains high in 2012: Bank Indonesia

The growth of bank credits in Indonesia remains high, standing at an average of 24 per cent, the central bank says. ...

BI hails six advanced country central banks` decision

A top Bank Indonesia (BI or central bank) official has welcomed the agreement reached by six advanced country ...

BI to encourage wider public access to financial institutions

Bank Indonesia (BI or the central bank) plans to issue inclusive financial regulations aimed at increasing the ...

RI banks considered able to withstand crisis

Indonesian banks will be quite able to withstand the impact of the financial crisis in Europe and the United States ...

BI preparing nominees for deputy governors

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Darmin Nasution said the central bank is in the process of preparing nominees for its ...

Banking credits up 23.4 pct

Bank Indonesia Governor Darmin Nasution said credits in June 2011 increased by 23.4 pct (yoy) prompted by investment ...