The Indonesian fashion industry contributes 18 percent of state revenues, Chief of the Creative Economy Board (BEKRAF) ...
Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Advisory Board Chairman Din Syamsuddin rejected a plan to revise the Law on KPK ...
Several hundred Muslims in Gaza, Palestine, performed prayers for late BJ Habibie, Indonesia's third ...
Indonesia's third president Bacharuddin Jusuf (BJ) Habibie passed away on Wednesday at 6.05 p.m. after being in ...
The Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI) General Chairman Jimly Asshiddiqie expressed his condolences at ...
Vice President Jusuf Kalla welcomed some inter-religious figures from Myanmar at his office in Jakarta, Monday, and ...
Amid the globalization wave looming large over children worldwide, attachment to smart devices and gadgets often ...
The oldest manuscript of Islamic Holy Quran, crafted in Indonesia, is preserved in pristine condition at the Ahmadiyah ...
Indonesia – the world's third-biggest democracy with the largest Muslim population worldwide – has ...
The Trade Ministry disclosed that the Indonesian export of halal products to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation ...
Constituting over 17 thousand islands, with a population of some 255 million, Indonesia is home to a plethora of ethnic ...
Nearly four million Kashmiris have been under lockdown with movement restrictions and a near communications blackout ...
Indonesia believes that dialogue and communication between Pakistan and India would be more desirable to resolve the ...
Indonesia comes second to China as the world's biggest plastic waste producer, with disposable plastic bags being ...
Indonesian Ambassador to Brunei Darussalam Dr. Sujatmiko said he was grateful that Indonesian prominent preacher Ustadz ...