
Collection of muslims news, found 1.934 news.

Muslims should learn Prophet Muhammad's patience: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on all Muslims to learn from their role model Prophet Muhammad PBUH (peace be ...

Vice President lauds inter-religious harmony in West Papua

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has lauded inter-religious harmony between Christians, Muslims, Catholics, Buddhists, ...

VP Amin accentuates four focus areas for Islamic economic development

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin highlighted four focus areas for development of the Islamic economic and financial ...

Indonesia lobbies Saudi Arabia for Umrah permits

The acting director general of Hajj and Umrah at the Indonesian Religion Affairs Ministry has lobbied the Saudi Arabian ...

Vice President encourages 100% vaccination rate in pesantrens

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin urged the COVID-19 vaccination program in Islamic boarding schools, also known as ...

Jakarta's Silaturahmi Tunnel symbolizes unity: VP Amin

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin lauded the Silaturahmi (Friendship) Tunnel connecting Istiqlal Mosque and Jakarta's ...

News Focus

Police praised for prompt handling of Kace blasphemy case

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and several sections of Muslim communities in the country have praised the National ...

Stop unlawful acts threatening interfaith unity: PMII

The Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII) emphasized the importance of aggressively stopping all unlawful acts ...

Wahid calls for stringent punishment meted to blasphemy law offenders

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Hidayat Nur Wahid lauded the National Police's crackdown on ...

MUI lauds police for prompt arrest of blasphemy suspect Kace

Indonesia's Ulema Council (MUI) praised the National Police for immediately arresting YouTuber Muhammad Kace over a ...

YouTuber Muhammad Kace arrested in blasphemy case

  Bali Police arrested YouTuber Muhammad Kace on Wednesday for allegedly insulting Islam and Prophet Muhammad ...

ASEAN e-commerce bill should ensure product compliance to Islamic law

The parliamentary bill to ratify the ASEAN agreement on e-commerce should include clauses ensuring product safety and ...

Indonesia needs health service system aligning with Islamic faith: VP

A health service system that aligns with the Islamic faith is required in Indonesia on account of the large number of ...

Cut import reliance, build self-sufficiency: VP

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has urged Indonesian citizens to stop relying on imported products and start building ...

Islamic New Year offers momentum for self-evaluation, introspection

Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Bambang Soesatyo believes Islamic New Year offers a momentum ...