
Collection of muslims news, found 1.934 news.

Abbas seeks financial assistance to protect Palestine

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has called for financial assistance from countries and international institutions ...

President hosts state banquet in OIC Summit participants` honor

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hosted a state banquet in honor of participants of the fifth Extraordinary Organization ...

OIC should be able to respond to Israeli aggression

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) should be able to respond to the aggression of Israel which for many ...

Indonesia Concerned Over Demographic Change in Occupied Palestine

Israel has demolished thousands of Palestinian homes and confiscated farming lands belonging to Palestinian Muslims as ...

MUI responsible for edict on Shiite

The Indonesian Ulemas Council (MUI) must be responsible for issuing an edict (fatwa) regarding the presence of Shiite ...

Indonesian ulema talks on Madinah Charter in Malaysia

An Indonesian ulema, KH Hasyim Muzadi, will be talking about the contents of the Charter of Madinah at a forum ...

Indonesia to host OIC`s extraordinary meeting to address Palestinian issues

Indonesia will host the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)s Extraordinary Meeting on Palestine and Al Quds to ...

OIC to hold meeting in Jakarta to discuss Palestine-Jerusalem issue

Member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will hold an extraordinary summit to discuss ...

Obama, in mosque visit, says an attack on Islam is an attack on all faiths

US President Barack Obama visited a US mosque on Wednesday and declared that attacks on Islam were an attack on all ...

Obama makes first trip to US mosque

Seven years into his presidency, Barack Obama will make his first trip to an American mosque on Wednesday, offering a ...

Nahdlatul Ulama scholar calls for assuring all food products halal

A Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) figure has called for the need to assure that all food and drinks products which are projected ...

Minister highlights need to seriously respond to radical ideology

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa emphasized the need for all relevant parties to seriously respond to ...

Muslims urged to be wary of "Gafatar" teachings

Muslims in Indonesia have been urged to be wary of the Nusantara Daybreak Movement (Gafatar) as the teachings of the ...

Hundreds of French mosques open their doors to the public

Hundreds of mosques across France are participating in a major open-house event this weekend, offering visitors the ...

Trump to scrap UK investments if barred from Britain

Donald Trump will scrap $1 billion of planned investments in Britain if he is banned from entering the country, a ...