Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Minister Nadiem Makarim reaffirmed the ministry's mission to eradicate ...
Students must use the 2021 Santri (students of Islamic boarding schools) Day commemoration to ignite the spirit of ...
The government of Indonesia prioritizes human resources within the Medium-Term National Development Plan (2020-2024). ...
Government regulations (PP) and presidential regulations (Perpres) pertaining to the job creation law would come into ...
The House of Representatives (DPR) and the Indonesian government on Monday passed a controversial omnibus bill into law ...
The new-fangled cabinet lineup of President Joko Widodo’s (Jokowi’s) government sprang a few surprises, one ...
The increasing frequency of student brawls and the rising level of violence in schools are totally unacceptable, and ...
The rising levels of violence in schools and the increasing frequency of student brawls are totally unacceptable, and ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has ordered state-owned postal service company PT Pos to deliver books to regions for ...
At an informal partnership meeting of Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia in Dakar, Indonesia ...
Member of the House of Representatives` Commission X Reni Marlinawati has argued that the government should start ...
Student violence has become a serious problem in Jakarta in recent days, particularly because of the use of sharp ...
The rise of student brawls in the past few days does not necessarily mean that the national education system has ...
Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo has stated that people must pay taxes, as regulated by the law, for the benefit of ...
Vice President Boediono is scheduled to officially close the Ninth National Jamboree 2011 at the Danau Teluk Gelamg ...