#national park

Collection of national park news, found 803 news.

PON Papua

From time capsule to termite nests, things to see in magical Merauke

As one of the hosts of the 20th National Sports Week (PON), Papua's Merauke district is pulling out all the stops ...

BKSDA confirms 31 animals rescued in illegal trade crackdown died

The South Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Office (BKSDA) notified that 31 out of the 118 animals, rescued by the ...

E Nusa Tenggara MP condemns blast fishing in Komodo National Park area

Member of the East Nusa Tenggara regional parliament (DPRD) Yohanes Rumat condemned fishermen that employed blast ...

Saving the world's oxygen source from fading away

The Kerinci Seblat National Park, spanning across four provinces in Sumatra and totaling up to 1.3 hectares, now ...

Get to know the species of orangutan in Indonesia

Indonesia's Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya highlighted the importance of forests as invaluable ...


Illegal hunting prevention in Baluran National Park

Officers patrol an area in Baluran National Park of East Java on Wednesday (Sept 15, 2021). The park's officers ...

NTT's 12 tourism destinations nominated for API 2021: Tourism service

The Tourism and Creative Economy Service in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), confirmed that the province's 12 ...

BPOLBF to develop four tourism development zones in Labuan Bajo

The Labuan Bajo Flores Tourism Authority Board (BPOLBF) will develop four tourism development zones on 400 hectares of ...

Indonesia supports steps for negotiating biodiversity framework

Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya stressed that Indonesia will consistently support steps for negotiating ...

News Focus

Halt alarming recurrence of human-tiger conflicts in Aceh

Human-wildlife conflicts have become a serious problem that should to be promptly, properly, and comprehensively ...

South Aceh police urged to probe deaths of three Sumatran tigers

The South Aceh district government has called on the police to investigate the shocking deaths of three Sumatran tigers ...

Indonesia's Anniversary: meaning of independence for jungle dwellers

Mali, an eight-year-old girl, struggles to write a congratulatory message on the occasion of the 76th Anniversary of ...

Tourist facilities in Komodo Island safe in savannah fire: Police

The West Manggarai Police has confirmed that tourist facilities in Komodo Island, East Nusa Tenggara, were safe as fire ...

Fire at Komodo Island savannah managed to be extinguished

The Komodo National Park (BTNK) rangers were managed to put out the fire at Laju Pemali savannah in the western part of ...

Jakarta governor visits two Sumatran tigers contracting COVID-19

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan visited two Sumatran tigers ( Panthera tigris sumatrae) contracting COVID-19 and ...