#national park

Collection of national park news, found 803 news.

Encroachments cause forest fire in Tesso Nilo National Park

Encroachments on forest land have caused forest fires in Tesso Nilo National Park (TNTN) in Riau Province, according ...

Illegal logging damages Krinci Seblat National Park

Illegal logging is growing rampant damaging the Krinci Seblat National Park in the regency of Musi Rawas of South ...

UNESCO to add new sites to world heritage list

World Heritage Committee will meet this month in Cambodia to consider adding 32 more sites onto UNESCO`s World ...

Private sector to support Sail Komodo 2013

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Sutardjo has asked the regional government and the private sector ...

Rat poison allegedly kills two Sumatran elephants

Results of an autopsy showed that rat poison has killed a couple of Sumatran elephants on Friday (May 31), head of ...

Ten Gunung Kidul`s geosites recognized as national geopark

Ten geosites in Gunung Kidul District, Yogyakarta Province, have been recognized as national geopark by the Geology ...

Two more sumatran elephants found dead in Riau

Two Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) were found dead, allegedly poisoned, in Tesso Nilo National Park, ...

Ujung Kulon to hold Javan Rhino festival in June

The Ujung Kulon National Park Agency (TNUK) will hold a Festival of Javan Rhinoceros in June to promote the ...

Indonesia Launches Forest Governance Index To Strengthen REDD+

As the two-year moratorium on deforestation faces expire, Indonesia has launched its first forest governance index to ...

The Coremap Coral Management Shows A Positive Result

The Second Phase of Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Program or COREMAP II, has come to an end in December ...

Indonesia releases 10,005 maleo birds

The Indonesian forestry ministry has released 10,005 maleo (Macrocephalon maleo) birds into their habitats in Sulawesi ...

Ministry to relocate one-horned rhino in West Java

The Forestry Ministry will do its best to relocate one-horned rhinoceroses from their habitat in Ujung Kulon National ...

Ministry to apply blue economy concept in marine conservation areas

Indonesian Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Sharif Cicip Sutarjo has said his ministry will apply the blue ...

Orangutans at Kutai National Park attract tourists

Kalimantan orangutans have attracted domestic and foreign tourists visiting Preveb at the Kutai National Park (TNK) in ...

Lion kills worker at California wildlife sanctuary

An African lion attacked and killed an employee of a private wildlife sanctuary in central California on ...