#new cases

Collection of new cases news, found 531 news.

Palembang turns athlete dormitory into emergency hospital for COVID-19

The South Sumatra Provincial Administration has turned Jakabaring athletes dormitory into an emergency hospital with ...

Banda Aceh to impose partial lockdown to combat spread of COVID-19

Banda Aceh, the capital of Aceh Province, will impose a partial lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus or ...

News Focus

On the importance of lockdown: lessons from plague control in Java

It has been nearly a month since Indonesia recorded its first novel coronavirus infection, but the authorities are yet ...

News Focus

Lessons learned from Indonesia's polio outbreak to defeat coronavirus

With the number of new cases continuing to swell, the novel corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has been ...

Jakarta Governor asks residents to remain in city

Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan once again appealed to residents of the capital city to stay in and not leave for their ...

COVID-19 case count in Indonesia touches 1,155

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Indonesia rose by 109 to reach 1,155 as of Saturday, with 59 patients ...

News Focus

Key takeaways from the cholera outbreak that devastated Batavia

At least 597,185 people worldwide have contracted the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), an infectious ailment caused by ...

COVID-19: Indonesia's death toll rises to 55

The number of coronavirus deaths in Indonesia rose to 55 on Tuesday, while the number of positive cases climbed by 107 ...

Self protection gear, PCR reagent urgently needed: Task Force

Self protection devices  (APD) and laboratory test kits for coronavirus are urgently needed in the efforts to ...

Indonesian one of first coronavirus patients to die in Singapore

Singapore reported its first two COVID-19 deaths with an Indonesian national and a Singaporean succumbing to the ...

COVID-19 cases increase by 81, death toll reaches 38

The number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia has increased by 81, bringing the total to 450, said Achmad ...

Indonesia lockdown not an option yet: COVID-19 task force

A lockdown is not viable for Indonesia yet due to a number of reasons, including maintaining economic stability, said ...

State, private hospitals ready to contain COVID-19: Government

Hundreds of state and private hospitals across Indonesia are being kept in readiness for treating coronavirus, or ...

Indonesia introduces large-scale social distancing measures

University of Indonesia (UI), March 13, 2020, announced migrating from face-to-face class meetings to the online-study ...

House urges government to engage experts to contemplate on lockdown

The House of Representatives (DPR) appealed to the government to engage experts in contemplating on imposing a lockdown ...