#no more problem

Collection of no more problem news, found 5.872 news.

G20 Indonesia

Denpasar gov't, military, police clean mangrove ahead of G20 Summit

The Denpasar city government along with the military and police have cleaned the mangrove forest area in the Ngurah Rai ...

FICO survey: 1 in 6 Indonesian consumers will leave a bank for a competitor if unhappy with response to scams

FICO (NYSE: FICO): Highlights  • 1 in 6 Indonesian consumers will leave for a competitor if unsatisfied with ...

Indonesia must remain cautious of 2023 global crisis risk: minister

Indonesia must remain cautious of the risk of a global crisis in 2023, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto has ...

Parents asked to remain alert to acute kidney injury symptoms

The Ministry of Health has urged parents to remain alert to the early and unique symptoms of atypical progressive acute ...

G20 Indonesia

Indonesia G20 Presidency encourages strong, sustainable global economy

Indonesia's Presidency in the G20 is aimed at maintaining global development goals to encourage stronger, more ...

RI first to build collaborative platform for plastic waste handling

Indonesia will become the first country to build a collaborative platform for handling plastic waste under the ...

Public understanding of criminal law's nature crucial: Deputy Minister

Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej urged the public to understand the basic nature of ...

Blood-booster tablets, healthy lifestyle are important for teenagers

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin emphasized that the provision of blood-booster tablets (TTD) and the implementation ...

Energy transition must be fair, affordable: minister

Energy transition efforts must be fair and affordable, so that they can be accessed by all people, Coordinating ...

2024 General Election and importance of election digitalization

Swift developments in information technology within the last two decades have triggered rapid growth in all fields ...

Contamination from liquid drug solvents causes acute kidney failure

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that atypical progressive acute kidney disease in children is caused by ...

245 acute kidney injury cases detected in 26 provinces: Minister

A total of 245 cases of atypical progressive acute kidney injury have been detected in 26 Indonesian provinces so far, ...

VP accentuates need to withdraw drugs causing acute kidney failure

- in 15 samples of syrup-based medications used by patients with the illness. Those substances were found through ...

News Focus

Expediting distribution of clean water services

Globally, some two billion people, or 26 percent of the world's population, currently do not have good access to ...

KIA handbook released to reduce under-five mortality rate: ministry

The release of the Maternal and Child Health (KIA) handbook is part of the government's strategies to reduce the ...