#normal weight

Collection of normal weight news, found 6 news.

Expert suggests walking 5 kph daily to achieve normal weight

Bogor Agricultural Institute's (IPB's) Food and Nutrition Professor Ali Khomsan advises people to walk at ...

Obese children must consume more antioxidant foods: ASNI

Obese children need to be given more foods that contain antioxidants amid the COVID-19 pandemic, chairman of the ...

Moderate exercise linked to quicker conception

Moderate exercise is tied to greater success among women trying to get pregnant, but those who work out vigorously ...

Obesity linked to higher 5-year death rate after esophageal cancer surgery

Obesity doubles the risk of cancer recurrence and cancer-related death in patients with esophageal cancer who have ...

Obese mothers put children at higher risk of asthma

Pregnant women who are obese put their children at higher risk of developing asthma compared to mothers of normal ...

Cow gives birth to four calves in Urals

A cow in Russia?s southern Urals republic of Bashkortostan has given birth to four cows in what has been described as ...