#north sulawesi

Collection of north sulawesi news, found 1.649 news.

Six Indonesians dead in tanker capsize near Japan: BP2MI

Six crew members from Indonesia on board the South Korean-flagged Keoyoung Sun died after the tanker overturned in ...

Preventing stunting through family planning

Human quality has a significant impact on the success of a nation's development, and one of the most important ...

VP Amin officiates SE Sulawesi's Islamic economy and finance committee

Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, on Thursday, inaugurated the Islamic Economy and Finance Committee (KDEKS) of Southeast ...

Govt targets 1.4 million stunting-risk families to receive assistance

The National Food Agency (Bapanas) is targeting more than 1.4 million families at risk of stunting in seven provinces ...

Four fishermen arrested for blast fishing in Central Sulawesi waters

Indonesia's Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) recently arrested four fishermen for allegedly carrying ...

BMKG warns of potential for heavy rain in most of Indonesia

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) warned that most areas in Indonesia have the potential to be ...

Optimize local food to address climate-induced food crisis: BRIN

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has said that local food optimization could help tackle the food ...

42 dams built in 2015--2023 for food security: govt

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing completed 42 dams in the period from 2015 to 2023 to build national ...

PUPR Ministry builds the first dam in West Sulawesi: official

The Public Works and Public Housing Ministry is working on the construction of the Budong-Budong Dam in Central Mamuju ...

President Jokowi distributes rice aid to counter rising prices

President Joko Widodo distributed food assistance sourced from the government's rice reserves to more than 1,000 ...

Jokowi calls for sustainable water use as Indonesia's energy source

Indonesia needs to pay special attention and identify ways to manage its water, as an energy resource, in a prudent ...

Uno invites Australian travel agent to offer tours to Indonesia's DPSP

Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, on Tuesday (February 20), suggested that ...

PVMBG urges residents to beware of Mount Karangetang's hot clouds

The Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG), on Sunday, called on residents to beware of hot ...

57 poll workers died as of Feb 17: Health Ministry

At least 57 poll workers died throughout Indonesia's recent parliamentary and presidential elections, according to ...

Govt urges youths to plant more trees to handle climate change

The Environment and Forestry (LHK) Ministry pushed young Indonesians to actively plant more trees in a bid to preserve ...