#not enough

Collection of not enough news, found 2.476 news.

Asian Games 2018

Indonesia faces challenges in ensuring haze-free Asian Games

Jakarta and Palembang are gearing up for the opening ceremony of the 18th Asian Games, due to be held at the Gelora ...

Tax revenue projection in 2019 rather ambitious: Minister

The projection of tax receipts in the 2019 Draft State Buget (RAPBN) set at Rp1,781 trillion, or up 15 percent from ...

Improving the quality of human resources

The future of Indonesia depends on human resources of good quality, excellence, and strong competitiveness in the face ...

President calls for improving educational quality to increase competitiveness

President Joko Widodo called for improvement in the quality of education, in order to create qualified human resources ...

Foreign exchange reserves enough to hold capital outflow: BI

Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Perry Warjiyo said that foreign exchange reserves were enough to maintain stability of ...

No plan to stop teachers` allowance: finance minister

The government has no plan to stop or cut teachers` allowances, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said. "The ...

Administrative Reform Minister Abnur resigns

Administrative Reform Minister, Asman Abnur, submitted a resignation letter to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the ...

President orders TNI to handle quake affected isolated areas

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) instructed the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Commander to handle the ...

Domestic requirement should come first before planning export

The government is seeking to push exports of various commodities to reduce deficit in the country`s trade balance as ...

INSA calls on government to be consistent in maritime development

The Indonesian Association of Ship Owners (INSA) has asked whoever emerges as the winner in the forth coming ...

New trump sanctions on Iran take effect despite pleas from allies

U.S. President Donald Trump pledged on Monday that firms doing business with Tehran would be barred from the ...

Automotive steel factory of KNSS comes on line

A galvanized automotive steel factory of PT Krakatau Nippon Steel Sumikin (KNSS) officially came on stream in Cilegon, ...

State Entreprises Ministry ensures Pertamina`s finance is healthy

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) ensured that the finances of PT Pertamina (Persero) remains healthy and ...

22nd Century announces the immediate feasibility of the FDA's nicotine reduction plan

- 22nd Century Group, Inc. (NYSE American:XXII), a plant biotechnology company that is a leader in tobacco harm ...

Official Reserve Assets High Enough in June 2018: BI

Indonesia`s official reserve assets at the end of June 2018 were quite high at US$119.8 billion although lower than ...