#not long march

Collection of not long march news, found 35 news.

VP Kalla monitors massive peaceful rally

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla monitored the ongoing massive peaceful demonstration in Jakarta on via television. ...

China boosts space programme with new heavy rocket launch

China has launched its new Long March-5 heavy rocket, state media said, sending its payload into orbit in the countrys ...

Anti-communist mass organizations meet chief political minister

A number of leaders of anti-communist mass organizations met Coordinating Minister for Political, Security and Legal ...

Labor unions urge govt not to use foreign labor

Thousands of workers staged a rally on Tuesday, urging the government to not provide easy access to foreign workers ...

Demonstrators "besiege" presidential palace

Thousands of laborers grouped under the Indonesian Workers Movement (GBI) staged a long march from Bank Indonesia ...

Thousands of workers gather in C Jakarta to mark May Day

Thousands of workers from various organizations congregated at the Hotel Indonesia Circle, Central Jakarta, for a long ...

FPI opposes Ahok as Jakarta governor

Some one thousand FPI Muslim activists staged a protest rally on the premises of the Jakarta Legislative Council ...

VP Boediono joins long march with members of religious and community organizations

Vice President Boediono on Sunday joined a long march with several ministers and about 100,000 members of religious ...

S. Sumatra labors to commemorate mayday by rejecting outsource system

Thousands of labors in South Sumatra to commemorate "Mayday" on May 1, 2013 by rejecting the outsource recruitment ...

China launches new mapping satellite

China has successfully launched its Tianhui I-02 mapping satellite. The satellite was launched from the Jiuquan ...

Govt hopes for peaceful labour rallies

The government hopes that the rallies which are to be held by about 170,000 workers throughout the country to observe ...

Police use water cannons to disperse demonstrators

Police used water cannons, firecrackers and tear gas to disperse demonstrators protesting in front of the parliament ...

Indonesia, China establish missile technology transfer

Indonesia and China have agreed to step up the missile technology transfer process.Defence Ministry spokesman ...

RI, China agree to enhance defense cooperation

Indonesia and China have agreed to further strengthen their already good cooperative relations by engaging in joint ...

Activists observe anniversary a prominent human rights activist`s death

Tens of activists of the Islamic Students Association (HMI), Malang chapter, East Java, held a long march from the ...