#not provoked

Collection of not provoked news, found 313 news.

Mubarak says to transfer power but not resigning

Hosni Mubarak, struggling to cling on as Egypt`s president in the face of unprecedented protests over poverty, ...

Temanggung violence instigated by provocateurs: Muslim youth leader

Tuesday`s sectarian violence in Temanggung, Central Java, was partly instigated by provocateurs, the leader of a ...

PKB : Protect minority groups

The National Awakening Party (PKB) called on its rank and file as well as on Nahdlatul Ulama members to give ...

VP orders police to probe Temanggung incident thoroughly

Vice President Boediono on Wednesday ordered National Police Chief General Timur Pradopo to conduct a thorough ...

Govt`s capability of protecting its people being tested

The Indonesian government`s capability of protecting its people from any act of violence and intimidation is again ...

Govt Urged to Be Serious In Protecting Citizens

Nahdlatul Ulama (NU)`s central executive board has urged the government to be more serious in protecting the people ...

No C Java`s Church Leaders Maltreated

Central Java provincial police chief Inspector General Edward Aritonang denied rumors that a church leader had been ...

News Focus: Religious intolerance Indonesia`s unresolved problem

Religious intolerance remains a serious threat to Indonesia that demands a serious and comprehensive handling from the ...

RI govt urged to address religious intolerance

Setara Institute for Democracy and Peace urged the government here Tuesday not to ignore the fact of growing religious ...

Students clash with police in Khartoum demos

Students clashed with police in Khartoum on Sunday, as Sudanese youths heeded calls to take to the streets for a day ...

His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Partner to

- Together pledge $100 million to fight preventable diseases in Afghanistan and Pakistan     His ...

Three shot dead at Albania anti-government protest

Three men were shot dead as protesters battled police at an anti-government rally in the Albanian capital on Friday, ...

Massive new settlement project in e. Jerusalem: radio

A massive new construction project of at least 1,400 homes is about to be authorised in a settlement neighbourhood in ...