#nuclear power

Collection of nuclear power news, found 291 news.

Power fungtions restored at control room of Fukushima 2nd reactor

Japanese engineers restored on Saturday the electricity supply at the control room of the second reactor of Japan`s ...

Radiation levels no danger to marine life - Japanese spokesman

Japan`s marine life is in no danger regardless of the radiation levels in the waters near the crippled Fukushima 1 ...

Gas more effective energy source than nuclear : official

The use of gas energy is still far more effective than energy from a nuclear power plant, acting head of Southwest ...

RI ready for nuclear technology : Observer

Indonesia is quite ready and able to develop nuclear technology and build a nuclear power plant which it needs to ...

RI capable of building nuclear power plant

Indonesia has the capability of building a nuclear power plant itself, an official of the Indonesian Atomic Energy ...

Japanese tourists visiting Indonesia to decrease in next two months

The number of Japanese tourists visiting Indonesia is predicted to decrease over the next two-three months due to the ...

Singapore halts food importsf from near Japan plant

Singapore has suspended imports of milk products and other foodstuffs from four areas near Japan`s damaged Fukushima ...

US blocks milk, produce from Japan near nuclear plant

The United States will block imports of milk and fresh produce from areas of Japan near a crippled nuclear power ...

Three Sukabumi residents survive Japan disaster

Three graduates from the SMKN 1 senior high school in Cibadak, Sukabumi district, West Java, survived the recent ...

Radiation 1,000 times normal level 20 km from Fukushima plant: IAEA

Radiation 1,600 times higher than normal levels has been detected in an area about 20 kilometers from the crippled ...

Smoke, steam rise from Japan nuclear plant

Smoke and steam again rose from damaged reactors on Tuesday at Japan`s quake-hit Fukushima nuclear power plant, where ...

Indonesia's LNG surplus prioritized for domestic market

The Indonesian government has pledged to prioritize its liquefied natural gas (LNG) stock to meet the country`s ...

ASEAN to forge common position on helping Japan

The governments of Indonesia and other ASEAN member countries are to formulate a common position on how to help ...

RI govt yet to decide on Japan`s extra gas supplies request

The government has not yet made a decision with regard to Japan`s request for additional natural gas supplies, chief ...

Four Bengkulu state university lecturers remain in Japan

Four lecturers of Bengkulu State University (Unib) survived in Japan`s earthquake and tsunami areas decided to ...