#oil and gas

Collection of oil and gas news, found 2.793 news.

Indonesia, Pakistan agree to enhance bilateral trade

Indonesia and Pakistan have agreed to enhance bilateral trade, despite the negotiation that has come to a halt on the ...

Riau posts US$11 billion in foreign trade surplus

Riau province was favored with a big surplus of US$11.06 billion in foreign trade in the first nine months of the ...

Trade minister says he pushes for palm oil agreement

Trade Minister Enggartiasto Lukita said he always pushes for crude palm oil agreement in his trade negotiations with ...

PHKT produces oil 60,000 barrels in lifting from Lawe Lawe

PT Pertamina Hulu Kalimantan Timur ( PHKT) an East Kalimantan unit of PT Pertamina Hulu Indonesia has sent its first ...

Government continues to encourage growth of East Indonesian MSMEs

The government continues to push for the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Eastern Indonesia, ...

President Jokowi keeps on monitoring evacuation of Lion Air`s victims

Indonesian President Joko Widodo said he kept on monitoring the search and evacuation process of the victims and ...

Boeing team to meet Lion Air authorities on Wednesday

The Boeing Company`s team members would meet with the Lion Air authorities on Wednesday for talks about the crash of ...

Transportation safety commission still collects data on Lion Air crash

The National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT) on Tuesday still collected all necessary data related to the ...

Indonesia invites East Asian countries to attract Saudi investment

Indonesia invites China, Japan, and South Korea to cooperate in attracting Saudi Arabian investment. The initiative ...

BI predicts current account deficit not to exceed 3.5 percent

Bank Indonesia (BI) has predicted that the country`s current account deficit will increase in the third quarter this ...

indonesia`s tourism sector growth ranks ninth in world

Tourism Minister Arief Yahya said the tourism sector continues to record achievements with the highest growth, ranking ...

Indonesia committed to enhancing its active roles in UNWTO forums

Indonesia has expressed its commitment to intensifying its active roles in the United Nations World Tourism ...

KKP to strengthen cooperation with SKK Migas

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) and the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business ...

Riau has largest share of budget for oil palm replanting program

Riau province has the largest share of budget set by the government for the replanting of smallholders` oil palm ...

Mexico invites Indonesia to participate in harbor development project

The new Mexican government is keen to invite Indonesia and Asia Oceania countries to take part in the development of a ...