#oil palm plantation

Collection of oil palm plantation news, found 163 news.

Automotive industry plans to use biodiesel 20 fuel

The country`s automotive industrialists said they are ready to expand the use of biodiesel 20 fuel for all diesel ...

Govt seriously expands the use of Biodiesel 20

The government is seriously implementing a 20 percent biofuel mixed-use (Biodiesel 20/B20) diesel to all ...

Sumatran tiger "Bonita" returns to forest

A female Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) called "Bonita" has returned to her home in the forest, ...

Indonesia, New Zealand to increase trade, investment cooperation

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and New Zealand`s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardem discussed economic ...

Researcher suggests development of palm oil downstream industry

A researcher from Center for Southeast Asian Studies Kyoto University of Japan, Prof. Kosuke Mizuno, has said ...

Mempawah facing situation of emergency against haze of smoke

The district administration of Mempawah of West Kalimantan has announced a situation of emergency against haze of ...

Sago becomes favorite culinary delights

Promoting diversification of food to reduce the dependence on rice, the people of Konawe district in the Indonesian ...

One million hectares of oil palm plantation illegal in Riau

Around one million hectares of oil palm plantations are illegal in Riau, Director General of Ecosystem and Natural ...

EARTH WIRE -- 527 palm oil companies apply for ISPO certificate

A total of 527 palm oil companies are currently applying for an Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certificate in ...

Academicians call for review of regulation on peat lands

Academicians from the Peat Plantation and Village Research Center of the Riau University Dr Zaimi called for the ...

266 oil palm firms get ispo certificates: Official

A total of 266 Indonesian oil palm companies have received the Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certificates on April 11, ...

Sumatra elephants` habitat continues to shrink: NGO

The habitat of Sumatra elephants (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus), which continues to shrink, has sparked more conflict ...

Indonesia accounts for 58 percent of sustainable palm oil production

Indonesia accounts for 58 percent of the worlds sustainable production of palm oil, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm ...

Python strangles man to death in Riau province

A man died after being strangled by a six meter long python in Indragiri Hulu District of Riau Province, an officer ...

CPO export drops but price on the rise

Indonesias export of crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives fell by nearly 2 percent to 25.7 million tons in 2016 ...