
Collection of opm news, found 157 news.

Notorious Papuan rebels kill three Ojek drivers

Notorious armed Papuan separatists, on Friday, brutally killed three motorcycle taxi (Ojek) drivers in Sugapa ...

Jokowi urged to rebuild properties in Jayapura, Wamena

Jayapura Chapter KH Kahar Yelipele has appealed to President Joko Widodo to rebuild houses and kiosks that rioters set ...

NU-Jayapura chapter declines calls for jihad in Papua

The Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in Jayapura, Papua’s capital city, expressed rejection to calls for jihad or fighting in ...

Paulus Waterpauw affirms no jihadists in Papua following Wamena riot

Papua Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw made assurance of no jihadist having arrived in Papua Province in ...

Tjahjanto pledges to enable riot survivors' smooth return to Wamena

Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander Air Chief Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto made a solemn promise to facilitate survivors of ...

SOE minister thanks Papuan student for saving PLN workers

 State-Owned Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno thanked Neheima Wamu for his courage in saving workers and a ...

Social workers to work with Wamena riot survivors

The Social Affairs Ministry has deployed several social workers and volunteers to help survivors of the recent Wamena ...

Ten Acehnese survivors of Wamena riot take refuge

Ten Acehnese community members who survived the recent Wamena rioting have been taking refuge at a house in Doyo area ...

News Focus

Lesson learned from Wamena rioting

A deadly riot that broke out in Wamena, the capital city of Jayawijaya District, Papua Province, on Sept 23, has left ...

Wamena riot survivors are still traumatized: Wiranto

The survivors of the recent brutal killings of innocent civilians in Wamena, Jayawijaya District, Papua Province, on ...

News Focus

Suppressing armed Papuan rebels paramount to saving innocent civilians

Two motorcycle taxi (Ojek) drivers dying near the Muara suspension bridge in Amnunggi Village, Ilaga Sub-district, ...

Indonesia's Skouw-Wutung border post temporarily closed: Mily

The Indonesian authority has temporarily shut down the Skouw-Wutung Border Post in Muara Tami Subdistrict, Jayapura ...

UN bans Benny Wenda to enter UN general assembly: Nick Meset

Papuan figure Nick Meset ensured that the UN did not allow Benny Wenda and his entourage to enter the UN General ...

Police confirm two Ojek drivers gunned down by Papuan separatists

An armed Papuan separatist group proceeded with its campaign to kill innocent civilians, Thursday, by gunning down two ...

News Focus

Ensuring RI's Independence Day celebrations run peacefully in Papua

Indonesia's 74th Independence Day commemoration on August 17 in Papua is expected to run peacefully, but the ...