
Collection of organizations news, found 4.768 news.

Indonesia, US seek to advance energy transition partnership

Climate Counselor to the Secretary of the US Treasury John Morton  and US Deputy Special Envoy for Climate  ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 IWG draws blueprints for Infratech financing, QII indicators

The G20 Infrastructure Working Group (IWG) has achieved deliverables in the form of blueprints for increasing Infratech ...

News Focus

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy development

The increase in greenhouse gas concentration levels in the atmosphere as a result of human activities has caused global ...

Mary Kay challenges global youth to address SDG 14: Life Below Water in third annual Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship World Series of Innovation challenge

Mary Kay Inc., a leading corporate advocate of women’s empowerment and entrepreneurship, announces its third annual ...

Renewable energy development key for tamping down emissions: minister

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif has emphasized the importance of developing new and renewable ...

G20 Indonesia

Global employment recovery attempts start in Bali at G20 LEMM

Indonesian Manpower Minister Ida Fauziyah believes that current and future challenges can only be overcome through ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 labor ministers formulate five key documents

The G20 labor and employment ministers are committed to accelerating the entry of groups of persons with ...

New, renewable energy power plants' installed capacity reaches 12 GW

The number of new and renewable energy plants had continued to increase over the last five years, with the current ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 agrees on community-based vocational training approach: Minister

The community-based vocational training center (BLK Komunitas) was one of the ministry's approaches to develop ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 concurs on accelerating development of inclusive labor market

G20 member countries assented to the importance of expediting the development of an inclusive labor market for people ...

Canva introduces suite of new workplace products for the modern era at inaugural Canva Create event

Canva, the global visual communications platform, today announced a suite of new workplace products and features ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 CMM: Finding cultural routes to recovery, sustainable living

"Speaking of post-pandemic life, we must also think of ways to create a sustainable life so that our children in ...

G20 Indonesia

Ready for G20 LEMM in Bali: minister

Indonesia hosts the G20 Labor and Employment Ministers' Meeting (G20 LEMM) in Bali on September 13 and 14, 2022, ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 CMM: Indonesia leads cultural diplomacy for sustainable living

The Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology led cultural diplomacy for realizing ...

G20 Indonesia

G20: Indonesia to seek inclusive labor market for disabled people

Indonesia will invite G20 nations at the Labor and Employment Ministers Meeting (LEMM) to develop a more inclusive ...