
Collection of parliamentarians news, found 89 news.

Indonesia's Parliament Sends Delegation to Gaza to Support Palestine

Since Israeli aggression in Gaza began earlier this month, a number of Indonesian cities have seen daily rallies ...

Indonesia`s parliamentarians to meet Palestinian President

A delegation from the Indonesian Parliament is heading to Palestine for a visit that will include meeting with ...

Indonesian parliament to send delegation to Gaza

The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) Commission I will soon send a delegation to Gaza in order to provide ...

Lack of character development leads to brawls

Vice Chairman of People`s Consultative Assembly Hajriyanto Y Thohari has said the lack of character development ...

AIPA helps strengthen ASEAN integration

Having a conference on the beautiful island of Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara Province must be inspiring and refreshing ...

1.3 billion people in poverty

As many as 1.3 billion people, including women, are living in absolute poverty, said Marzuki Ali, the President of ...

OneVoice warns Knesset members of Palestinian economic collapse

- Members of the Two-State Solution Caucus in the Knesset heard a presentation by OneVoice Israel on Wednesday, warning ...

RI`s parliament holds seminar on ASEAN transformation

The Indonesian Parliament, which currently holds the chair of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), recently ...

Pakistan parliament debate on U.S. sputters to halt

A parliamentary debate in Pakistan on the relationship with the United States has stalled on domestic politics, even ...

Pakistan Taliban to attack lawmakers if Afghan supply routes reopen

The Pakistan Taliban will attack lawmakers if they decide to re-open NATO supply routes to Afghanistan, the militant ...

Syria`s Assad orders parliamentary elections on May 7

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad issued Tuesday a presidential decree to hold the parliamentary elections on May 7, ...

Australia continues to respect RI`s territorial integrity

The Australian government continues to support Indonesia`s territorial integrity and sovereignty, including over its ...

ASEAN committed to giving wider access to disabled people

Foreign Affairs Vice Minister Wardana said ASEAN was committed to providing wider access to people with disabilities ...

news focus: Muslim legislators conference emphasizes women`s roles, democracy

After having discussions for a week in Palembang, South Sumatra, over 330 legislators from 40 member states of the ...

Myanmar must consistently implement asean`s political principles

When assuming the position of ASEAN chairman in 2014, Myanmar is expected to consistently implement the ...