
Collection of pasar news, found 569 news.

Floods inundate 10 villages in Tangerang

Floods inundated thousands of houses in 10 villages in Tangerang District of Banten Province on Sunday. Head of ...

Jakarta government coordinating with all parties to close down Kalijodo

The Jakarta government is coordinating with all parties to raze the red-light district of Kalijodo along the Grogol ...

Jakarta braces for flooding during peak rainy season

The Jakarta administration is intensifying efforts to normalize sewage systems in the capital city as the rainy season ...

President Jokowi inspects traditional market in Bandarlampung

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inspected the Pasar Gudang Lelang traditional market in Teluk Betung, Bandarlampung ...

Jakarta needs more double-decker buses: Governor

Governor of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaya Kumala (Ahok), on Monday, emphasized the need to ply more double-decker city tour ...

Implementation of ASEAN economic community draws closer

Didit Saputra (22), a street vendor in Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, has never heard of the ASEAN Economic Community ...

Government to build two dams to control floods in Jakarta

The government will build two dams in West Java as part of its efforts to control floods in Jakarta, Public Works and ...

President holds luncheon for traders at State Palace

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) invited some 100 market traders in Jakarta for a luncheon at the State Palace on ...

Alleged terrorist arrested in Yogyakarta

Police anti-terrorist squad Densus 88 arrested a man believed to be a terrorist in Cupuwatu village, Sleman, ...

Indonesia to import cattle to overcome beef shortage

The Indonesian government has decided to import 50 thousand heads of cattle and to conduct market operations as a ...

Minister Gobel checks prices of commodities at Kramatjati market

Indonesian Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel inspected Kramatjati Wholesale Market in East Jakarta on Friday to check ...

Indonesian govt to disburse Rp97.5 billion for Klewer market reconstruction

The Indonesian government will disburse another Rp97.2 billion in funds through the 2016 state budget to complete the ...

Rescue efforts hampered by poisonous gases from Mt. Merapi crater

Efforts of the Search and Rescue (SAR) Team that is trying to locate a missing person who reportedly fell into a Mount ...

Jakarta police arrest another 30 Chinese citizens

The Jakarta Police arrested another 30 Chinese and Taiwanese nationals in a housing and office complex in North ...

Jakarta police sends 33 Chinese cyber criminals to immigration detention

Jakarta police officers have sent 33 Chinese nationals suspected to be part of a cybercrime syndicate to the South ...