
Collection of patrols news, found 502 news.

Disaster Mitigation Agency assures Asian Games will be free from smoke

Chief of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Willem Rampangilei has assured the public that the 18th Asian ...

Defense Diplomacy Key to Realize World Peace: Wiranto

Defense diplomacy, as a tool, can help address security threats and realize world peace, Coordinating Minister for ...

RI taking steps to prevent haze during Asian Games

Indonesia, which will host the 18th Asian Games, has since recently been making efforts to prevent forest fires, in ...

Two water-bombing helicopters deployed to palembang for asian games

Two additional water-bombing helicopters have been sent to Palembang, South Sumatra Province, for anticipating ...

Improving security at Komodo National Park

Efforts to improve security of Komodo National Park tourist area in West Manggarai District, East Nusa Tenggara ...

Two French warships docked in Bali

Two naval warships "Marine Nationale" from France have docked at Bali, including the FS Dixmude L9015, the ...

PTDI to sell aircraft to Senegal, Ivory Coast

State aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has signed a contract worth US$75 million with the air ...

Sumatran tiger "Bonita" returns to forest

A female Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) called "Bonita" has returned to her home in the forest, ...

Missing Malaysian vessel found in Dumai

Malaysian Tanker vessel named MT Pratama 128, that was previously reported missing, has been found in the Rupat ...

indonesia intensifies war on rampant smuggling of drugs

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that Indonesia is one of the countries victimized by illegal drug ...

US defense secretary to lift sanctions on kopasus: Ryacudu

United States Defense Secretary James Mattis will work towards lifting sanctions imposed on the Indonesian Military ...

Three Indonesian fishermen not guilty of trespassing: Malaysian court

Malaysian court in George Town, Pinang Island, has found that three Indonesian fishermen who originated from Medan, ...

Milrem Robotics brings autonomous warfare capabilities to the battlefield

- Milrem Robotics took the first step towards providing combat units with autonomous warfare systems last week when it ...

Jakarta police heighten security around US Embassy

The Jakarta Metro Police Officers have heightened their security patrols around the vicinity of the Embassy of the ...

Three countries launch joint trilateral air patrol

A Trilateral Air Patrol (TAP) between Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines was launched at the Subang Air Base, ...