
Collection of pediatrician news, found 123 news.

How Indonesia addressing stunting on several fronts

Even as it marks the 63rd National Nutrition Day this year, Indonesia is still struggling with childhood ...

HGN a reminder to improve monitoring of children's food: IDAI

The 2023 National Nutrition Day (HGN), which will be commemorated on January 25, must serve as a reminder for all ...

Govt aims to equip all posyandus with anthropometric tools

The Health Ministry is trying to provide anthropometric devices to all integrated health posts (posyandus) to increase ...

Greater likelihood of acutely symptomatic TB among younger children

Pediatrician at Harapan Kita Children and Mother Hospital (RSAB), Jakarta, Dimas Dwi Saputro drew attention to the fact ...

Doctor warns of potential TB transmission through droplets

Pediatrician at Harapan Kita Mother and Children Hospital, Jakarta, Dimas Dwi Saputro warned of the potential ...

Premature, low-weight babies are at high risk of stunting: BKKBN

Babies born prematurely and of low-birth weight (LBW) are at higher risk of stunting, according to the National ...

BSSN cautions parents of gadget addiction in children

The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) appealed to parents to remain alert to their children's gadget ...

Ministry to conduct mass polio vaccination in Pidie next week

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin confirmed that the government will commence mass polio vaccination in Pidie area, ...

Polio vaccine side effects milder than disease: IDAI

Chairperson of the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), Dr. Piprim Basarah Yanuarso, has asked citizens to not ...

New polio infections highlight importance of immunization: IDAI

 The detection of a new polio case  in Aceh highlights the need for immunization to prevent the spread of ...

Syrup drug guidelines based on BPOM decision: ministry

Instructions on the usage of children's syrups have been provided in the decision released by the National Food and ...

IDAI links acute kidney injury with cost-cutting by pharma cos

The recent acute kidney injury cases in Indonesia are related to the use of low-quality solvents as medicinal raw ...

Indonesian team's help for Pakistani refugees draws praises: BNPB

Some Pakistani doctors lauded the Indonesian medical team for its assistance in treating Pakistani refugees affected by ...

Parents asked to remain alert to acute kidney injury symptoms

The Ministry of Health has urged parents to remain alert to the early and unique symptoms of atypical progressive acute ...

Pharmaceutical industry's drugs must meet quality standards: Ministry

The Health Ministry necessitates the pharmaceutical industry to ensure that the drugs it produces fulfill the quality ...