
Collection of pekanbaru news, found 1.183 news.

Government to proceed with priority infrastructure projects

The government will go ahead with the development of priority infrastructure projects despite the state budget ...

15 toll road sections to be inaugurated in 2020: Ministry

based cashless transaction of the toll road system project for the toll road sector, he stated, adding that four toll ...

Air Force repairs residential house damaged by Hawk jet crash

The Indonesian Air Force conducted repairs on a resident's house that incurred minor damage after a Hawk 209 TT ...

Hawk aircraft crashed post training exercise: TNI AU commander

A Hawk aircraft of the Indonesian Air Force that crashed into a residential area in Riau Province on Monday had ...

Military aircraft smashes into residential area with no casualties

A military aircraft ploughed into a residential area in the Kubang Jaya Village, Siak Hulu Sub-district, Kampar ...

Military aircraft crashes into residential area in Riau

A military aircraft crashed into a residential area in Kubang Jaya Village, Siak Hulu Subdistrict of Kampar District in ...

Ministry holds virtual meeting with PLN customers over bill surge

The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment held a virtual hearing on Friday, June 12, with customers ...

197 quarantined migrant workers in Batam await returning to hometowns

Some 197 Indonesian migrant workers completed their 14-day quarantine period in the Batam City administration's ...

Jakarta residents not wearing masks to be fined Rp250 thousand

The Jakarta provincial government confirmed that 20 million free masks were distributed to its residents, so those ...

Jakarta conducts mass spray disinfection of 31 traditional markets

Firefighters of Jakarta, Thursday, sprayed disinfectant at 31 traditional markets in the capital city’s eastern ...

Riau allots Rp191.6 billion for households impacted by COVID-19

The Riau provincial government has assigned financial assistance fund of Rp191.6 billion to help households bearing the ...

10 COVID-19 patients recover in Riau

Ten more people have recovered from the novel coronavirus disease in Riau Province as of Tuesday, with the province ...

News Focus

Indonesia braces for extreme dry season amid COVID-19

As it battles the coronavirus pandemic, Indonesia, which is currently entering the dry season, is bracing for a ...

Weather modification for rainfall in Riau's peatland areas

Coinciding with the Idul Fitri Islamic Festivity on Sunday (May 24), the Indonesian government conducted climate ...

Police seize 71 kg drugs from trucks carrying food supplies

Indonesia's national police thwarted a local drug syndicate's attempt to smuggle 71 kilograms of drugs from ...