
Collection of percentage news, found 1.050 news.

PT PLN Batam to go public

PT PLN Batam has named PT Bahana Sekuritas as the lead underwriter for its plan to launch initial public offering ...

Rihanna sues ex-acountants, say she lost millions

Pop star Rihanna has sued her former accountants for mismanaging the singer`s finances, including claiming they earned ...

RI`s poverty level falls by 0.53 pct in March

The number of poor people in Indonesia dropped to 29.13 million in March 2012, about 890,000 less than the figures ...

Indonesia needs to reduce number of child workers

The quality of human resources usually determines the future of a nation, and involves great efforts to develop the ...

East Nusa Tenggara`s coral reefs in critical condition

The coral reef ecosystem in East Nusa Tenggara is in critical condition due to human activities such as destructive ...

Myanmar Interest Hits a High Note

-TripAdvisor reveals significant increased traveller interest in the "Golden Land"Top 10 hotels in Yangon, Mandalay and ...

Indonesians urged to care for love elderly people

With the significant improvement in life expectancy worldwide, global aging has become a striking phenomenon, ...

Bank Muamalat issues sukuk mudharabah worth Rp500 bln

Islamic lender Bank Muamalat on Wednesday announced the issuance of sukuk mudharabah (profit-sharing bonds) worth ...

Investment to replace consumption as main driver of growth

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said investment will replace public consumption as the main driver of economic ...

Finance minister: revision of taxation law likely

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said he did not rule out the possibility that the taxation law may be revised to ...

Sarkozy concedes defeat in presidential runoff against Hollande

French President Nicolas Sarkozy on Sunday conceded defeat to his Socialist challenger Francois Hollande in Sunday`s ...

Panetta warns US troops to avoid scandals

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta warned troops Friday that military scandals could suddenly make international ...

Industry must brace for fuel oil price hikes

Industries must brace themselves to face subsidized fuel price hikes of about 33 percent next month, despite ...

BI to reduce consumer credit growth

Bank Indonesia (BI) intends to reduce consumer credit growth by regulating the loan-to-value (LTV) ratio for housing ...

AirAsia Indonesia to operate 34 Airbus planes in 2015

The AirAsia Indonesia airline company is planning to expand its wing by operating 34 Airbus planes in 2015, the ...