
Collection of percentage news, found 1.050 news.

RI`s tire industry expected to grow 15 pct

Indonesia`s tire industry has been growing rapidly in the past several years and this year it is expected to increase ...

Majority of Taiwanese support restrictions on media

The majority of Taiwanese think there is too much graphic and violent content in newspaper reports and that the ...

Indian Journalists shot dead in Mumbai

A senior journalist was shot dead by four unidentified persons in suburban Powai in Mumbai, capital of Maharashtra ...

Younger generation of Taiwanese saving less

Less than 30 percent of Taiwan`s young men and women were able to save their first pot of gold, a figurative name ...

Technology utilization in RI still low: Habibie

Former President Prof Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie said the utilization of technology in Indonesia is still relatively low ...

5 pct of youth vulnerable to internet addiction: study

About 5 percent of South Korean youths are vulnerable to Internet addiction, a government study showed Wednesday. ...

Jambi gets Rp55 billion in coal production sharing

The Jambi provincial government got a production share of Rp55 billion in the exploitation of coal potentials in the ...

President`s office suspicious about Indo Barometer`s survey

A staff member of the Presidential Office said he believed Indo Barometer had a certain goal with the the publication ...

Most people in 23 nations back Nato action in Libya

Sixty percent of people from 23 countries support NATO`s military intervention in Libya, a poll showed on Thursday. ...

BI predicts q2 payments balance to record surplus

Bank Indonesia (BI) has predicted that the second-quarter balance of payments will still record a surplus that will ...

RI partners U.S. in developing global entrepreneurship

The Indonesian government and the private sector partnered the United States in development of the Global ...

US proposes advertisers ditch junk food for kids

Food companies should revamp their marketing to children by advertising foods that are healthy, four U.S. agencies ...

Malignant malaria still haunts Indonesia

For many years, malaria has been a frightening specter across the world, especially in countries with vast areas of ...

Six infants in Kediri infected with HIV/AIDS

Six infants in Kediri district, East Java province, have been infected with HIV-AIDS through their mothers, head of ...

New approach needed to stop HIV/AIDS spread in Indonesia

With four years to go before the deadline of MDGs in 2015, Indonesia is still struggling to stop or reverse the upward ...