#plantation rejuvenation

Collection of plantation rejuvenation news, found 7 news.

Govt's roadmap focused on downstream palm oil industry's development

The government has prepared a roadmap for developing the downstream palm oil industry to transform it into world's ...

Small-scale palm oil rejuvenation to increase productivity: VP

The rejuvenation of small-scale palm oil plantations is aimed at increasing productivity, Vice President Ma'ruf ...

BPDP-KS aims to achieve 2021 palm oil plantation rejuvenation target

The Indonesia Oil Palm Plantations Fund Management Agency (BPDP-KS) remains unswerving in its endeavors to attain the ...

Government calls on BPDPKS to reach palm oil rejuvenation target

The government has called on the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDP-KS) to meet the target of small-scale ...

Government to rejuvenate 1.2 thousand hectares of rubber plantations in S Sumatra

The government has planned to allocate another Rp13 billion in state budget fund to rejuvenate 1.2 thousand hectares ...

Government prepares smallholder rubber plantation rejuvenation scheme

The government has prepared the scheme for rejuvenation of smallholder rubber plantation and worked in cooperation ...

Palm replanting to generate Rp125 trillion additional income

The rejuvenation of Indonesias aging oil palm plantations will increase the value of the countrys crude palm oil (CPO) ...