
Collection of plantation news, found 1.815 news.

Haze affects health of 28,000 residents in Riau

More than 28,000 people are suffering from various smoke-related diseases, due to forest and land fires occurring over ...

Satellite detects 1,046 hotspots from forest fires in Sumatra

The Terra and Aqua satellite has detected 1,046 hotspots from forest, plantation and peatland fires across Sumatra ...

Fires scorch 6,000 hectares of land, forests in Riau

Six thousand hectares of land and forests were destroyed by fire in Riau province, according to a disaster mitigation ...

Strict law enforcement ordered against forest fire perpetrators

As haze shrouded Sumatras cities over the past two months, President Yudhoyono has ordered strict law enforcement to ...

Around 99 percent of Sumatran fires deliberately set

Chief of the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) Syamsur Maarif stated that around 99 percent of forest and ...

Four tigers wander around as their habitat catches fire

Four Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) were wandering in the area where fire brigade personnel were ...

Bali reports an increase in exports

Bali has recorded a slight increase of 0.88 percent year-on-year in exports to US$486.06 million last year. ...

Bangladeshi illegal immigrants arrested in Riau

Riau police arrested Eight Bangladeshi nationals, alleged to be illegal immigrants, in Bengkalis district, according ...

46 elephants found dead in riau in three years : WWF

A total of 46 elephants were found dead in Riau province between 2011 and 2014, with most of them without ivory, ...

10 people named as suspects in Riau`s forested land fires

The Environment Ministry has named 10 people charged with setting fire to forested land in Riau Province last year. ...

US offers training for forest rangers in Indonesia

The United States plans to offer training for forest rangers in Indonesia to enable them to tackle incidents such as ...

N. Sumatra sets higher target for corn production this year

North Sumatra sets target for corn production at 1,628,149 tons this year, up from last years target of 1,494,050 ...

Four districts declare emergency status due to haze

Four districts in the Riau Province have declared a state of emergency due to the haze arising from forest, plantation ...

Dumai`s air quality on Wednesday morning hazardous to health

The Pollutant Standard Index (PSI) over Dumai city, Riau province, reached 410, on Wednesday at around 8 a.m. local ...

Number of hotspots in Riau double

The number of hotspots of forest, plantation and peatland fires in Riau Province on Wednesday morning was 256, double ...