
Collection of pltn news, found 32 news.

Indonesia Strives To Become Role Model of Nuclear Security Culture

Indonesia has always believed in the peaceful utilization of nuclear energy and has been strongly committed to ...

Batan may begin construction of nuclear power plant in 2015

The head of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), Djarot S. Wisnusubroto, has said he expects the construction ...

Uranium can meet world need for energy: expert

The world can meet its demand for energy by utilizing uranium reserves as this energy source is abundant, an expert ...

Indonesia can manage nuclear power plant

Indonesia has enough experts who are capable of managing a nuclear power plant (PLTN), according to Research and ...

Minister supports nuclear power plant establishment in East Kalimantan

Indonesia`s Research and Technology Minister Gusti Muhammad Hatta is in support of the East Kalimantan (Kaltim) ...

Indonesian nuclear is not for war

Head of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (Batan) said that Indonesian nuclear will not be used for war, but for the ...

Indonesia Anggota Misi Pencari Fakta PLTN Fukushima

Seorang pakar Indonesia di bidang tanggap darurat nuklir dan perlindungan radiasi, Dedik Eko Sumargo, dipilih Badan ...

RI in no hurry to build nuclear power plant

The leaking of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant following the powerful earthquake in Japan last March 2011 ...

Indonesia unlikely to halt its nuclear plan

Despite growing opposition and concern sparked by the ongoing nuclear crisis in Japan, Indonesia is unlikely to halt ...

Govt to maximize use of new energy

The government will maximize the use of new and renewable energy, especially geothermal, hydro-energy and bio-fuels, ...

Radiasi Jepang Terdeteksi di Filipina

Zat radioaktif dalam jumlah kecil dan kadarnya tidak membahayakan kesehatan manusia yang berasal dari PLTN rusak di ...

Maluku not suitable for PLTN

The geographical location of Maluku province at the meeting of the Pacific, Australian and Euroasian continental ...

RI capable of building nuclear power plant

Indonesia has the capability of building a nuclear power plant itself, an official of the Indonesian Atomic Energy ...

Embassy evacuates ten Indonesians from Sendai

The relief team of the Indonesian embassy in Tokyo evacuated on Monday ten Indonesians from Sendai, capital of Miyagi ...

Four Indonesian nurses survive Japan disaster

Head of the National Worker Placement and Protection Agency (BNP2TKI) Jumhur Hidayat said there were four Indonesian ...