#police arrest

Collection of police arrest news, found 403 news.

SE Sulawesi police arrest man with Medan-sourced 1.6-kg marijuana

Southeast Sulawesi police officers arrested a man, only identified as R, 32, on Monday morning, for possession of a ...

North Sumatra police seized 500-kg crystal meth in Jan-Nov 2020

The North Sumatra provincial police seized over 500 kilograms (kg) of crystal methamphetamine and adopted stringent ...

Police seize 52.4 kg of crystal meth in 22 days

Surveillance and drug raid operations over the last 22 days have led to the arrest of 14 drug offenders and the seizure ...

Palembang: Drug courier sentenced to 20 years in prison

The Palembang District Court on Tuesday sentenced a drug courier who was nabbed with a package of drugs in June this ...

South Jakarta police arrest 25 drug offenders within two weeks

Within a fortnight of conducting drug raid operations, the South Jakarta Metropolitan Police apprehended 25 drug ...

Police arrest two prison officers in Pekanbaru over drug case

The National Police investigators confirmed the involvement of two prison officers at the Pekanbaru city penitentiary ...

Freeport security officer faces trial for armed group involvement

The North Jakarta District Court scheduled the first trial of PT Freeport Indonesia security officer Ivan Sambom, alias ...

Police arrest six on charge of killing journalist

Police have arrested six people suspected of stabbing a journalist to death in the Indonesian province of West ...

Police arrest 5,918 allegedly creating chaos during job law protests

The Indonesian police arrested 5,918 people suspected of creating chaos during rallies against the job creation law ...

Meth smuggler shot down by Aceh Police for resisting arrest

A team of the Aceh Police shot dead a member of a crystal methamphetamine smuggling network for evading arrested on Oct ...

Jakarta police arrest asylum seeker from Iran for drug offence

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police have detained an asylum seeker from Iran after purchasing a small pack of crystal ...

Singer Reza Artamevia detained over drug use, named suspect

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police have declared Indonesian singer Reza Artamevia, who was arrested at a restaurant in ...

Bangka Belitung police destroy 211.2 kg of seized drugs

The Bangka Belitung Islands Police on Monday destroyed about 211.2 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine which was ...

Central Sulawesi police seize 891.35 grams of crystal meth

The Central Sulawesi police arrested two suspected drug dealers on Friday (Sept 4), and confiscated 891.35 grams of ...

Two suspected drug dealers shot dead in Surabaya

Two suspected drug dealers were shot dead after they assaulted Surabaya city police officers while trying to resist ...