
Collection of poor news, found 2.355 news.

Nahdlatul Ulama firmly backs extension of public activity restrictions

Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Council (PBNU) Secretary General Helmy Faishal Zaini fervently endorsed the extension of ...

Stunting prevention starts from family level: IPB University expert

Stunting prevention in Indonesia can be prevented by optimizing family functions, IPB University lecturer Dr Tin ...

Surabaya DPRD seeks water bill waiver for economically impacted

Committee A of Surabaya City Legislative Council (DPRD) has urged the local government to waive the water bill for ...

Indonesia's poverty rate reduction possible through Java-centric cut

Indonesia's poverty rate can be curbed if the poverty eradication program is focused on the country's most ...

Social protection programs formulated to lower poverty rate: Minister

The government's social protection programs are designed to reduce the poverty rate, currently above 10 percent, on ...

Govt to raise budget for pre-employment card program by Rp10 trillion

The government is set to raise the budget for the pre-employment card program by Rp10 trillion to Rp30 trillion from ...

LIPI develops ventilator to support COVID-19 efforts

The Electronics and Telecommunications Research Center (P2ET) of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) has ...

Number of poor dip to 27.54 mln in March: BPS

The number of Indonesians living in poverty fell by 0.01 million to reach 27.54 million in March, 2021 from 27.55 ...

Free medicine packages to assist self-isolating patients: SOE minister

Free packages of medicines and vitamins allocated to COVID-19 patients currently undergoing self-isolation were aimed ...

Task force blames COVID spike on poor compliance with health protocols

The public's lack of adherence to health protocols has led to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases, according to Dewi ...

Government to distribute 11,212 tons of rice during PPKM period

The government will distribute 11,212 tons rice as a form of social assistance during the emergency Community ...

Vaccines are global public goods: President Jokowi

Vaccines are global public goods, so worldwide accessibility to them was paramount, according to President Joko Widodo ...

Realization of PEN budget reached Rp252.3 trillion in first semester

Realization of the national economic recovery program (PEN) budget in the first semester of 2021 had reached Rp252.3 ...

Government steps up BLT disbursal for eight million beneficiaries

The Indonesian government is expediting the disbursal of village fund cash transfers (BLT) for eight million ...

Sharia economy main pillar of economic recovery: Finance Minister

Sharia economy and finance are playing an important role in the economy, particularly in the wake of the pandemic, and ...