
Collection of positively news, found 1.121 news.

Eric Schmidt optimistic Google to invest in Indonesia

Google executive Eric Schmidt said he was optimistic Google would invest in Indonesia. "I am optimistic," he said ...

Banks raise lending rates to cover cost

Small banks have raised their lending rates in order to adjust them to their operational costs so that they could ...

Anyer Festival held to promote Banten`s tourism

Banten province`s tourism office staged an Anyer Festival at Patra Sambolo beach in Anyer, Banten Province, to promote ...

Unique cultural attractions to enliven Sail Wakatobi 2011

Sail Wakatobi-Belitung 2011 is less than two months away while unique cultural attractions have been prepared to ...

Education must create rational community

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the country`s education system must be able to create a rational and ...

Many quarters hail Aussie`s suspension of cattle exports to Indonesia

Many quarters warmly welcomed Australia`s suspension of live cattle exports to Indonesia and hoped it would raise the ...

President Welcomes UDG

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono welcomed the holding of the 11th national conference of the Utsawa Dharma Gita ...

Golkar urges govt to renegotiate mining work contracts

Golkar Party Associate Chairman Priyo Budi Santoso said his party had urged the government to renegotiate soon all ...

Palestinians have no wish to isolate Israel-- Abbas

Palestinians are not seeking to isolate Israel on the international stage, but will pursue their unilateral drive for ...

Internet service to reach all sub-districts in June

All sub-districts in Indonesia will be able to access the internet service by June this year, Informatics and ...

Indian IT businessmen wish to invest in Surabaya

An Indian information technology business company is interested in making an investment in Surabaya known to have a ...

Democrat party chief responds positively to survey results

Mataram, W Nusa Tenggara (ANTARA News)  - The Democrat Party positively assesses the results of a recent survey ...

Lebanese City offers space for Indonesian trade promotions

The mayor of the Lebanese city of Baalbeck, Hachem Osman, has offered to provide space for Indonesian trade promotion ...

Workers Observe May Day Peacefully, Call For Welfare Improvement

Thousands of workers celebrated Labor Day or May Day on May 1 in a number of cities peacefully, Sunday, and chanted ...

E Kalimantan has 1,725 HIV/AIDS sufferers

The number of HIV/AIDS infected people in the province has reached 1,725, requiring all people to watch out and know ...