
Collection of positively news, found 1.121 news.

Rise Of Social Network, Citizen`s Journalism A Threat To Professional Journalists?

- One day I read a time-line from a friend`s Twitter account stating "people must remember, we voted them in, we can ...

President sends letter to Egypt to share experience

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has sent a letter to the Egyptian government to share its experience in dealing ...

V Boediono calls on officials, bizmen to abide by rules

Vice President Boediono said the case of former tax official Gayus Tambunan should become an eye opener for all ...

RI attracts world business players in Davos

Indonesia which is less known to world businesses compared to China and India took the opportunity to build relations ...

Bird flu threatens Samarinda

Bird flu has been a threat to the East Kalimantan city of Samarinda area over the past three weeks of January, ...

VP asks law enforcers to handle cases fairly

Vice President Boediono has asked law enforcers to handle all legal cases as fairly as possible."A number of legal ...

"Sail Wakatobi-belitong 2011" To Expose Ri`s Other Paradises

Many foreign tourists are quite familiar with Bali Island, while Indonesia actually has a few more paradise islands, ...

Sail Wakatobi-Belitong 2011 to expose RI`s other paradises

Many foreign tourists are quite familiar with Bali Island, while Indonesia actually has a few more paradise islands, ...

RI-Australia joint sports initiatives boost SEA Games preparations

Sports coaches, administrators, physiotherapists, professors, doctors and teachers were amongst the Indonesian ...

President summons PLN chief

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono summoned state electricity company PT PLN (Persero) President Director Dahlan Iskan ...

Indonesian organization to organize int`l youth forum on climate change

2007 Nobel peace prize laureate and former US Vice President Al Gore`s hope on Indonesia to popularize climate change ...