#presidential elections

Collection of presidential elections news, found 745 news.

General elections expected to be more orderly in 2014

The next general elections in 2014 are expected to be more orderly and smoother with only ten political parties ...

Competition to be tight in 2014 : Yudhoyono

President Susilo Yudhoyono in Jakarta has said that competition would be very tight in the presidential elections in ...

People want transparent elections

Ahead of the legislative and presidential elections next year, the Indonesian people are pinning their hopes on the ...

Democratic party prepared to compete in 2014 fairly

The Indonesian Democratic Party secretary general, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono said his party is prepared to compete ...

democratic party prepared to compete fairly in 2014 elections - (d)

The Indonesian Democratic Party`s Secretary General, Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono, said his party is prepared to compete ...

Supervisory agency hopes for transparent election management

The General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) has expressed hope that the General Elections Commission (KPU) will ...

Data in next Indonesian elections will be accurate

The General Elections Commission (KPU) has said elections data in the coming 2014 general elections will be more ...

In search of indonesia`s presidential candidates

Indonesia will hold its presidential elections in 2014, but until now, the country is unaware of the public`s favorite ...

Democrat Party still seeking best figure for president

The ruling Democrat Party is still looking for the best figure to be nominated as the party`s presidential candidate ...

Sumaryoto could charge Dahlan with slander: Legislator

The secretary of the PDI-P faction at the House of Representative Bambang Wuryanto said lawmaker Sumaryoto could sue ...

IHSG rises 6.58 points in Wednesday`s market

The composite stock price index (IHSG) of the Indonesian stock exchange (BEI) opened 6.58 points higher on Wednesday, ...

House called on to follow up Dahlan`s report

The House of Representatives (DPR) was called on Monday to follow up on a report by State Enterprise Minister Dahlan ...

Dahlan warned against being too outspoken

Outspoken minister for state enterprises Dahlan Iskan, who triggered an uproar by saying lawmakers seeking to extort ...

Towards Simultaneous Local And National Elections

Indonesia may have two simultaneous elections in 2019 - one at the national level for the election of legislators and ...

BI rate predicted to be fixed on 5.75 percent: Economist

Bank Indonesia`s Board of Governors Meeting (RDG) is likely to maintain its benchmark interest rate (BI Rate) at the ...