#preventive measures

Collection of preventive measures news, found 602 news.

Makarim outlines regulation detailing sexual violence forms, sanctions

Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim has highlighted the ministerial regulation ...

Japan lauds Indonesia's COVID-19 handling

Taking note of the continued flattening of the infection rate, the Japanese government has lauded Indonesia's ...

MPR urges governments to offer assistance to disaster-affected people

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) speaker Bambang Soesatyo has urged regional governments to immediately provide ...

Five warehouses set up to assist W Kalimantan's disaster victims: govt

The Social Affairs Ministry has set up five warehouses for meeting the basic needs of those living in some flooded ...

News Focus

First overseas trip during pandemic to take Widodo to three nations

A special Garuda Indonesia airplane, GIA-1, departed for Rome, Italy on October 29, 2021 with President Joko Widodo ...

Environment Ministry anticipates forest fires despite La Nina

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry readies anticipatory measures against forest and land fires during and after ...

News Focus

Ensuring an orderly, secure and protected Papua games

Jakarta office has adopted preventive measures by assigning 20 police officers in Jakarta's contingent. The ...

MPR urges a comprehensive evaluation of offline learning

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Lestari Moerdijat has urged the government to thoroughly ...

Ministry calls for multi-party collaboration to protect netizens

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) has invited all parties to strengthen collaboration to protect ...

Extending PPKM can help lower active cases to 100,000: expert

The government could push active COVID-19 cases down to 100 thousand per day if it continues to enforce community ...

Some 592 Bangka residents yet await PCR test results

The Bangka COVID-19 Task Force recorded that some 592 residents were still awaiting the results of laboratory-conducted ...


What's happening in Afghanistan right now?

The international media lately reported the success of the Taliban militia group in taking over Afghanistan that ...

Health Ministry asks 6 provinces to stay alert for Delta variant

The Health Ministry has asked six Indonesian provinces to remain alert for the Delta variant of the coronavirus while, ...

5.5% economic growth possible in 2022: Finance minister

Economic growth between 5 and 5.5 percent in 2022 could potentially be achieved, Indonesian Finance Minister Sri ...

Examine high COVID-19 death rate during PPKM: DPR Speaker

House of Representatives (DPR RI) Speaker Puan Maharani has called on the government to evaluate the current ...