
Collection of probolinggo news, found 210 news.

Strong wind impedes firefighting efforts on Mt Arjuno, Mt Welirang

Strong wind played spoilsport in the aerial firefighting efforts to put out wildfires on the slopes of Mount Arjuno and ...

Climbing activities on Mount Argopuro stalled by wildfire

A wildfire blazing through the protected forest area on the slope of Mount Argopuro since Saturday (Oct 19) has ...

News Feature

Integrating modern motifs in traditional batik

A festive nuance, a modern touch, as well as vibrant colors could be enough to describe pieces of batik clothes draped ...

Mount Bromo in East Java erupts

Mount Bromo in East Java erupted on Friday evening, coupled with cold lava flows owing to rains. The ...

Transportation minister urges travelers to make safety a priority

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has put forth an appeal to 2019 Lebaran travelers to always lay emphasis ...

Government forecasts peak flow of holidaymakers on May 31

The government has forecast this year's Eid homecoming flow to peak on Friday, May 31, 2019, according to ...

Trans-Java toll road will reduce prices of basic necessities: Minister

The Trans-Java Toll Road connecting the Merak Ferry Port in Banten Province to Banyuwangi in East Java would become a ...

E Java's Pasuruan-Probolinggo toll road's inauguration ceremony held

Indonesia's President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated the Pasuruan-Probolinggo section of the Trans-Java toll ...

News Focus

News Focus -- East Java accelerates flood mitigation efforts

Indonesia is currently transitioning from rainy to the dry season that usually begins in April or May. However, high ...

Floods hit 11 sub-districts in Bandung, claims one life

Floods have inundated 11 sub-districts, displaced some 1.8 thousand people, and claimed one life in Bandung District, ...

Floods hit 13 districts in East Java

Floods have hit 13 districts in East Java Province since Wednesday, March 6, 2019, following incessant heavy rains ...

Waskita`s net profit up 9.9 percent to Rp4.6 trillion last year

State construction company PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk posted a net profit of Rp4.6 trillion last year, up 9.9 ...

Pelindo III ready to welcome 153 cruise ships

State-owned port operator PT Pelindo III is ready to welcome the arrivals of at least 153 cruise ships at several ...

Floods kill two, render another missing in Probolinggo and Riau

Floods claimed one life each in Probolinggo District and Riau Province while rendering another missing in Probolinggo, ...

Toll road to connect Jakarta-Probolinggo by 2018

Continued development of the Trans-Java toll road from the westernmost part of the island, which is the Merak Port in ...