
Collection of professor news, found 1.271 news.

Inaugural Yidan Prize Award Ceremony honors outstanding contributions to education

The world's largest education prize, the Yidan Prize laureates accepted the inaugural awards and received gold medals ...

Relocation of US embassy to Jerusalem could create instability: Expert

International law professor at the University of Indonesia Hikmahanto Juwana opined that the plan to relocate the US ...

This is how many lives will be saved

- The 1st Asia Harm Reduction Forum 2017, a regional scientific and policy forum in Jakarta aimed at reducing the harm ...

China's top university unleashes innovation vitality by going international

-On October 21, 2017, Zhejiang University International Campus was officially open. About one year ago, Professor ...

Bali to have modern cancer hospital

The Bali provincial government will have a modern hospital to offer cancer treatment services that will serve as a ...

Surabaya`s settlement management gets public attention in Brussels

Surabaya`s settlements have become a concern among the public and architects in Europe during the conferences and ...

Indonesia has potential to become leading coffee exporter: expert

An expert on renewable energy, Associate Professor Maizirwan Mel from International Islamic University Malaysia said ...

2018 elections vulnerable to religious, sectarian politics: Syamsuddin

Simultaneous regional head elections in 2018 are politically vulnerable to religious sectarianism and religious ...

Creating more mutual benefits in Indonesia-Japan relations

The economic cooperation between Indonesia and Japan has been well-established and in full bloom, since the opening of ...

Din Syamduddin named special envoy for religious affairs

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has named Professor Dr KH Muhammad Sirajuddin Syamsudfin MA, who is better known as Din ...

Herbalife Nutrition survey reveals APAC consumers concerned about aging-related health issues but underestimate the importance of nutrition in healthy aging

- Premier global nutrition company, Herbalife (NYSE: HLF) today released findings from its Asia Pacific Healthy Aging ...

Italy expresses admiration for values of Pancasila

The Italian government has expressed admiration for the values of five principles, Pancasila, as an ideal example of ...

Spirit of nationalism makes Indonesia strong: PBNU

Nahdlatul Ulama Central Executive Board (PBNU) Chairman Said Aqil Siradj has asserted that the spirit of nationalism ...

Facilitating dialogue between the government and the industry, The Oil & Gas Year organizes Strategic Roundtable 2017

The Oil & Gas Year (TOGY) in collaboration with Bimasena, Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) and SKK Migas ...

Ex-coordinating minister for maritime affairs receives IAGI award

Former coordinating minister for maritime affairs Indroyono Soesilo has received an award from the Indonesian ...