
Collection of professor news, found 1.271 news.

Economist: Indonesia must not be blinded by free market ideology

Indonesia must not be blinded by the free market ideology, an economist from Cambridge University Ha-Joon Chang said ...

President: Indonesia chooses middle way economy

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the government will launch a master plan for acceleration of economic ...

Coffee cuts risk of lethal prostat cancer - study

More is better when it comes to drinking coffee to ward off the risk of deadly prostate cancer, according to a major ...

Heaven is a fairy tale, says physicist Hawking

Heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark, the eminent British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking said ...

RI succeeds in creating security in Malacca Strait

Indonesia has succeeded in creating and maintaining maritime security in the Malacca Strait as a vital world trade ...

Alzheimer`s drug useful in treating heroin addicts

Taipei (ANTARA News/CNA) Taiwan`s National Cheng Kung University Hospital (NCKU) and the U.S.`s National Institutes of ...

World Health Leader Tapped to Lead UCSF Global Health Efforts

-        The University of California, San Francisco has appointed ...

Lactobacillus Beverage Confirmed to Reduce Fever Brought on by Acute Gastroenteritis

-- Expected to Prevent Mass Infections in Gastroenteritis Rest Home Outbreak -   ...

Leading Experts Call for Urgent Action to Avoid Stroke Crisis Across Asia-Pacific Region

-         - Experts from medical and patient communities call on national ...

European discomfort grows about Bin Laden killing

European happiness with the death of Osama bin Laden was tempered on Wednesday by details showing he was unarmed when ...

Osama`s death not to stop Al Qaeda

A parliamentary leader said news about Osama bin Laden`s death, if it was true, would certainly affect the strength of ...

Increasing acceptance of rule of law concept in ASEAN

ASEAN member countries are increasingly accepting the concept of the rule of law for human rights, according to a ...

Kabul attack killed senior air force officers: US

The US military on Friday said the casualties of an attack this week at a Kabul training center were mostly Air Force ...

Cancer vaccine creator Ian Frazer visits Indonesia

Professor Ian Frazer, creator of the HPV vaccine against cervical cancer will visit Indonesia from 25 to 28 April ...

EASL European Congress March 30 - April 3, 2011, Berlin, Germany: VCTE(TM) Developed by Echosens

    On the occasion of the 46th Congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver, the ...