#promote tourism

Collection of promote tourism news, found 207 news.

120 sailing ships to participate in Sail Morotai

At least 120 sailing ships from Indonesia and other countries will participate in the upcoming international marine ...

Rp2.1 billion allocated to Teluk Jailolo Festival

The Halmahera Barat district government has allocated Rp2.1 billion to promote tourism during the upcoming Teluk ...

Kupang`s airport to be renovated to support Sail Komodo

State airport operator PT Angkasa Pura I will renovate El Tari airport in Kupang, to support the province`s plan to ...

Ministry engages national scouts to promote tourism awareness

The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry is to engaged the national scout movement in its efforts to promote tourism ...

RI govt admits Hollywood films can help promote tourism

"Eat, Pray and Love", a film version of Elizabeth Gilbert`s best selling memoirs "Eat Pray Love", starring superstar ...

news focus: Babel poised to host sail Wakatobi Belitong peak event

Bangka Belitung (Babel) Province has been busy making preparations for the peak event of Sail Wakatobi Belitong (WWB) ...

RI migrant workers can become tourism ambassadors

Indonesian migrant workers can serve as their country`s "tourism ambassadors" as they have great potential to promote ...

Aceh holds "Kemilau Sumatera" event to promote tourism

Ten provinces in Sumatra are participating in a tourism exhibition dubbed "Kemilau Sumatera 2011" (Sumatra`s ...

Yogyakarta to host Asean high officials meetings

Yogyakarta is to host ASEAN high officials meetings to prepare a summit in Jakarta on May 7 and 8. "Yogyakarta is ...

RI ready to promote tourism abroad through magazine

Indonesia again is ready to promote its tourism abroad through a magazine that reports on the magnificent places worth ...

House speaker leads RI delegation to PUIC conference

Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Marzuki Alie led an Indonesian delegation to a conference of the ...

Palembang to host PUIC meeting

Palembang will host a meeting of The Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC) from January 24 to 31, ...